托馬斯•伍茲是路德維希•馮•米塞斯研究院(位於阿拉巴馬州奧本市)的高級研究員。他有9本著作問世,其中包括與Kevin R. C. Gutzman閤著的《誰殺瞭憲法?:一次世界大戰到小布什政府期間美國自由之命運》(Who Killed the Constitution?: The Fate of American Liberty from World War Ⅰto George W. Bush),以及《紐約時報》暢銷書《美國曆史之政治不正確指南》(The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History )。
伍茲靠《教會與市場:天主教庇護下的自由經濟》(The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy)一書獲得瞭2006年泰普利頓企業奬(Templeton Enterprise Awards)金奬。
If you are fed up with Washington boondoggles, and you like the small-government, politically-incorrect thinking of Ron Paul, then you'll love Tom Woods's Meltdown . In clear, no-nonsense terms, Woods explains what led up to this economic crisis, who's really to blame, and why government bailouts won't work. Woods will reveal: * Which brave few economists predicted the economic fallout--and why nobody listened
* What really caused the collapse
* Why the Fed--not taxpayers--should have to answer for the current economic crisis
* Why bailouts are band-aids that will only provide temporary relief and ultimately make things worse
* What we should do instead, to put our economy on a healthy path to recovery With a foreword from Ron Paul, Meltdown is the free-market answer to the Fed-created economic crisis. As the new Obama administration inevitably calls for more regulations, Woods argues that the only way to rebuild our economy is by returning to the fundamentals of capitalism and letting the free market work.
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由於開展一個專題研究,無意在以關鍵詞為搜索的書單列錶中齣現瞭《清算謊言經濟學》和《大清算》兩本書。 作為輔助閱讀,本來也沒打算投入太多的時間。 初讀以後,自認水平有限,不知是文字翻譯轉換還是本身專業性太強的緣故。通篇磕磕絆絆,雲裏霧裏,...
評分 評分 評分很高興看到這本書,因為其的確以一個完全不同的視角審視金融危機。 記得美國金融危機剛剛爆發時,國內各派學者就開始站齣來錶達自己的觀點,無論是搞馬剋思主義(注意:是中國特色的),還是搞宏觀經濟學的,甚至是搞社會學的。如果用一句話歸納他們的毫無數據支撐的...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 金融 自由主義 Economics 英文 經濟史/科學史/技術史 經濟 社會科學_人類與經濟
2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.
評分2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.
評分2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.
評分2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.
評分2010.5.24 Unfinished If the introduction is written by Ron Paul, one should easily guess what this book is about ... It is just full of finger pointing. Very radical and political. Really, I don't want to waste my time.
Meltdown 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載