Fa-ti Fan is Assistant Professor of History at the State University of New York at Binghamton.
British Naturalists in Qing China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
由美国科学史学者范发迪撰著、袁剑翻译的《清代在华的英国博物学家:科学、帝国与文化遭遇》一书,作为国家清史编纂委员会编译丛刊,已于2011年7月由中国人民大学出版社出版。该书由中文版序、导言、正文二部分共五章、结语、附录、索引等组成,29.1万字。 以博物学的视角剖析...
评分由美国科学史学者范发迪撰著、袁剑翻译的《清代在华的英国博物学家:科学、帝国与文化遭遇》一书,作为国家清史编纂委员会编译丛刊,已于2011年7月由中国人民大学出版社出版。该书由中文版序、导言、正文二部分共五章、结语、附录、索引等组成,29.1万字。 以博物学的视角剖析...
评分这是具体链接: http://www.dfdaily.com/html/1170/2011/12/17/716734.shtml “博物学”(natural history)在我们目前的知识框架中居于很边缘的地位,因为在当代科学中已经没有了它的正统位置。当然,在科学史研究领域中,博物学史仍然占有重要的地位。但是,读完范发迪教授...
评分http://www.sociologyol.org/yanjiubankuai/tuijianyuedu/tuijianyueduliebiao/2011-12-03/13600.html 文化遭遇与知识网络:了解中国博物学的新路径及其限度 ——范发迪《清代在华的英国博物学家》译后赘言 袁 剑 本文发表于《读书》2011年第11期 还记得之前关于熊猫是“...
评分由美国科学史学者范发迪撰著、袁剑翻译的《清代在华的英国博物学家:科学、帝国与文化遭遇》一书,作为国家清史编纂委员会编译丛刊,已于2011年7月由中国人民大学出版社出版。该书由中文版序、导言、正文二部分共五章、结语、附录、索引等组成,29.1万字。 以博物学的视角剖析...
图书标签: 历史 范发迪 博物学 科学史 清朝 中国 鸟兽鱼藻 艺术史
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Western scientific interest in China focused primarily on natural history. Prominent scholars in Europe as well as Westerners in China, including missionaries, merchants, consular officers, and visiting plant hunters, eagerly investigated the flora and fauna of China. Yet despite the importance and extent of this scientific activity, it has been entirely neglected by historians of science.
This book is the first comprehensive study on this topic. In a series of vivid chapters, Fa-ti Fan examines the research of British naturalists in China in relation to the history of natural history, of empire, and of Sino-Western relations. The author gives a panoramic view of how the British naturalists and the Chinese explored, studied, and represented China’s natural world in the social and cultural environment of Qing China.
Using the example of British naturalists in China, the author argues for reinterpreting the history of natural history, by including neglected historical actors, intellectual traditions, and cultural practices. His approach moves beyond viewing the history of science and empire within European history and considers the exchange of ideas, aesthetic tastes, material culture, and plants and animals in local and global contexts. This compelling book provides an innovative framework for understanding the formation of scientific practice and knowledge in cultural encounters.
it tells us exactly what its title says: no more, no less.
British Naturalists in Qing China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书