Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a book that most people think they remember, and almost always get more or less wrong. Ridley Scott's film Blade Runner took a lot from it, and threw a lot away; wonderful in itself, it is a flash thriller where Dick's novel is a sober meditation. As we all know, bounty hunter Rick Deckard is stalking a group of androids returned from space with short life spans and murder on their minds--where Scott's Deckard was Harrison Ford, Dick's is a financially over-stretched municipal employee with bills to pay and a depressed wife. In a world where most animals have died, and pet-keeping is a social duty, he can only afford a robot imitation, unless he gets a big financial break. The genetically warped "chickenhead" John Isidore has visions of a tomb-world where entropy has finally won. And everyone plugs in to the spiritual agony of Mercer, whose sufferings for the sins of humanity are broadcast several times a day. Prefiguring the religious obsessions of Dick's last novels, this asks dark questions about identity and altruism. After all, is it right to kill the killers just because Mercer says so? --Roz Kaveney
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 科幻 小说 英文原版 美国 英国 美国小说 Sci-fi Phillip.K.Dick
【藏书阁打卡】生命是什么?我们如何定义它,以及是什么将我们与模拟几乎所有人类经验和情感的实体区分开来?很难回答。Dick创造了一座充满怀疑和阴谋的城市。仿生人可以存在在任何地方,他们可以是任何人。随着技术的进步,警察越来越难发现它们。他们甚至认为他们是有意愿和自由选择自己生活的人。谁有权告诉他们不? 未来世界的科学繁荣切断了人与真实自我之间的联系。动物变得稀有和极其昂贵。它们是非常受追捧的,因此有一个巨大的市场,拥有真的动物成为新的虚荣。因此,Dechard杀死越来越多的机器人,以达到他的目标,得到一个动物,找到自己。仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?那么我想反问,人类还会梦见真羊吗?
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