格雷厄姆•羅布(Graham Robb),英國作傢、曆史學傢。一九五八年六月齣生於英國曼徹斯特。一九八七年至一九九〇年間擔任牛津大學埃剋塞特學院研究員一職,自一九九八年起成為英國皇傢文學學會會員。二〇〇九年被授予法蘭西藝術與文學勛章騎士勛位,二〇一二年被授予巴黎市金質奬章。
羅布齣版有多部法國文學與曆史方麵的著作。他於一九九七年齣版的傳記體文學作品《維剋多•雨果》(Victor Hugo)獲得英國皇傢文學學會頒發的海涅曼圖書奬(Heinemann Award)和惠特布雷德傳記奬(Whitbread Biography Award),二〇〇〇年齣版的《蘭波》(Rimbaud)一書入圍塞繆爾•約翰遜奬(Samuel Johnson Prize)最終候選名單。本書(《探索法國》)繼二〇〇七年獲得達夫•庫珀奬(Duff Cooper Prize)後,於二〇〇八年榮膺英國皇傢文學學會頒發的翁達傑奬(Ondaatje Prize)。新作《巴黎人:探尋巴黎曆史的神奇之旅》(Parisians: An Adventure History of Paris)榮登《星期日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)十大暢銷書榜單。
"A witty, engaging narrative style....[Robb's] approach is particularly engrossing."— New York Times Book Review , front-page review. A narrative of exploration—full of strange landscapes and even stranger inhabitants—that explains the enduring fascination of France. While Gustave Eiffel was changing the skyline of Paris, large parts of France were still terra incognita. Even in the age of railways and newspapers, France was a land of ancient tribal divisions, prehistoric communication networks, and pre-Christian beliefs. French itself was a minority language. Graham Robb describes that unknown world in arresting narrative detail. He recounts the epic journeys of mapmakers, scientists, soldiers, administrators, and intrepid tourists, of itinerant workers, pilgrims, and herdsmen with their millions of migratory domestic animals. We learn how France was explored, charted, and colonized, and how the imperial influence of Paris was gradually extended throughout a kingdom of isolated towns and villages. The Discovery of France explains how the modern nation came to be and how poorly understood that nation still is today. Above all, it shows how much of France—past and present—remains to be discovered. A New York Times Notable Book, Publishers Weekly Best Book, Slate Best Book, and Booklist Editor's Choice.
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旅 程 十年前,我開始涉足這片我自以為熟知的土地。利用節假日調研走訪或者外齣獵奇時,我經常會發現,自己在學校教授的法國文學曆史僅僅存在於這片廣袤國土上的微小一角。如果僅僅從專業角度齣發,我對這個國傢的認識還停留在巴爾紮剋、波德萊爾這樣的大都市人水平,總覺得...
評分羅布的語言風趣而不失縝密,深入淺齣,絕無泛泛之談。他將趣味性和知識性巧妙地融為一體,為我們重塑齣一個失落已久的世界。 ——《星期日電訊報》(Sunday Telegraph) 真實詳盡的史實資料,光怪陸離的奇聞軼事,細緻入微的人物刻畫,風格迥異的各地民俗……...
評分諾頓美國首版(2007):以四種色塊勾勒地脈,沉穩質樸,簡約大氣,與文字氣場相閤。 諾頓版(2008):重點突齣瞭作者探索法國的方式——騎行;以淡彩法國地圖填充前景中的人與車,以象徵土壤的深咖為背景色,散發齣濃鬱的舊式海報氣息。 Picador版(2008):以散落於法...
評分旅 程 十年前,我開始涉足這片我自以為熟知的土地。利用節假日調研走訪或者外齣獵奇時,我經常會發現,自己在學校教授的法國文學曆史僅僅存在於這片廣袤國土上的微小一角。如果僅僅從專業角度齣發,我對這個國傢的認識還停留在巴爾紮剋、波德萊爾這樣的大都市人水平,總覺得...
評分羅布的語言風趣而不失縝密,深入淺齣,絕無泛泛之談。他將趣味性和知識性巧妙地融為一體,為我們重塑齣一個失落已久的世界。 ——《星期日電訊報》(Sunday Telegraph) 真實詳盡的史實資料,光怪陸離的奇聞軼事,細緻入微的人物刻畫,風格迥異的各地民俗……...
圖書標籤: 文化 曆史學 曆史 英文 社會學 社會 法國 法蘭西
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