You will not read a more dazzling book this year than David Eagleman's "Sum". If you read it and aren't enchanted I will eat 40 hats.
-stephen fry
Sum 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
关于生命的书,一直很吸引我。没看之前超期待,看完真是没想法。有豆友在论坛说,大陆版跟台版完全是两本书。好吧,没准真是内地编辑搞得鬼……比起正文,我反而很喜欢张国庆的推荐序,很有意思。 110717下外公家
评分想像力 邏輯嚴密的科普 又帶著浪漫色彩 要再多看幾次方能更深體會 發人深省地被引領入科幻的瑰麗世界…… 好吧 不得不說 合上書後 是滿滿對生命的感動。 By the way 結束篇太完美 但不要跳過去看它 它的美感離不開你對前面每一篇細細品味后的思考。 無神論者的神至高無...
评分古往今来多少人们,都曾仰望苍穹,感叹身归何处。生与死,也成为困扰人类最大的谜团。从哪里来?到哪里去?为什么生?为什么死?无法解答这个问题,也给每个白驹过隙般的生命,带了深深的无奈和无限的悲伤。 相对于从哪里来,人们对到哪里去这个问题,更加惶恐。人死那一霎那...
评分总起来讲,这是一部用几何学的逻辑,结合20世纪的科学知识背景以及西方式的人文情怀写成的书.作者乃文科背景,后来又成为美国排名前几的医学院(贝勒医学院,Baylor College of Medicine)的主任.这种经历使得作者可以在这个几千年来充满了宗教和迷信(或者其他一切武断的论述)的...
图书标签: DavidEagleman 小说 神经科学 哲学 科幻 生活 散文 Eagleman
"SUM" is a dazzling exploration of funny and unexpected afterlives that have never been considered-each presented as a vignette that offers us a stunning lens through which to see ourselves here and now. In one afterlife you may find that God is the size of a microbe and is unaware of your existence. In another, your creators are a species of dim-witted creatures who built us to figure out what they could not. In a different version of the afterlife you work as a background character in other people's dreams. Or you may find that God is a married couple struggling with discontent, or that the afterlife contains only those people whom you remember, or that the hereafter includes the thousands of previous gods who no longer attract followers. In some afterlives you are split into your different ages; in some you are forced to live with annoying versions of yourself that represent what you could have been; in others you are re-created from your credit card records and Internet history. David Eagleman proposes many versions of our purpose here; we are mobile robots for cosmic mapmakers, we are reunions for a scattered confederacy of atoms, we are experimental subjects for gods trying to understand what makes couples stick together. These wonderfully imagined tale-at once funny, wistful, and unsettling-are rooted in science and romance and awe at our mysterious existence: a mixture of death, hope, computers, immortality, love, biology, and desire that exposes radiant new facets of our humanity.
Fun, but could be deeper
评分since we live in the heads of those who remember us, we lose control of our lives and become who they want us to be.
评分奇特的想象与深邃的洞察 生命是醒着的梦,你只活这一次,勇敢一点,感恩珍惜拥有的一切,不要留下遗憾
Sum 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书