埃裏剋·倫納(Eric Renner),針孔攝影師,針孔資源文獻庫創始人,《針孔攝影》雜誌主編。上世紀80年代開始緻力於針孔攝影的探索與研究,針孔資源文獻庫作為全球唯一的針孔作品權威研究機構,收藏瞭大量的針孔作品。他本人的攝影作品被美國現代美術館、喬治·伊斯曼攝影博物館、加拿大國立美術館、巴黎國傢圖書館收藏。
A respected guide for creatives, artists and photographers alike, Pinhole Photography is packed with all the information you need to understand and get underway with this wonderfully quirky, creative technique. Covering pinhole photography from its historical roots, pinhole expert Eric Renner, founder of pinholeresource.com, fully explores the theory and practical application of pinhole in this beautiful resource.
Packed with inspiring images, instructional tips and information on a variety of pinhole cameras for beginner and advanced photographers, this classic text now offers a new chapter on digital imaging and more in depth how-to coverage for beginners, as well as revised exposure guides and optimal pinhole charts.
With an expanded gallery of full-color photographs displaying the creative results of pinhole cameras, along with listings of workshops, pinhole photographer's websites, pinhole books and suppliers of pinhole equipment, this is the one guide you need to learn the craft and navigate the industry.
* Discover the history, theory and practical application of pinhole photography in this unique guide by worldwide pinhole expert, Eric Renner
* Packed with large, full-color photographs showcasing the most original and imaginative ways to use pinhole photography, including digital application of pinhole techniques
* Includes extensive resource section with reliable information on pinhole suppliers, websites, books and workshops that no pinhole photographer can do without
Pinhole Photography, Fourth Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
稍微對針孔攝影有所瞭解或者已經有興趣想瞭解一下的人都知道,在國內這方麵的資料幾乎為零(除瞭颱灣省)。筆者玩針孔至今所得經驗皆是從國外網站獲得,所以當我看到Eric Renner的Pinhole photography一書時一眼就看齣這是至今為止介紹針孔攝影最為全麵的一本書瞭——沒有之一...
評分(轉載自雅昌藝術網,作者:鞏誌明) 年初在西安的一次攝影活動上,見過三影堂的毛衛東,記得他說他是從西安最遠郊的一個區閻良,也就是所謂飛機城齣去的,當時沒有細聊,也不知道他是父母在閻良呢,還是他在閻良工作過。前兩天,西安美院02級的董良在網上聯係我,說有本《針...
評分一不小心網上搜索遇到的一本書。 有很全麵的介紹,從小孔攝影的曆史,原理到小孔相機製作,高級的參數分析,作品欣賞等全麵涵蓋。 小孔攝影確實很有魅力,這種原始的方式,感覺就像孩子嚴重的夢想世界!
評分攝影因其記錄性,被賦予“客觀”錶現世界的重要功能。又因為它的成像原理與人類眼睛成像係統的相似,讓我們更加確信瞭它的客觀性。鏡頭/ 晶狀體的摺射令“客觀存在”的光綫被動的改變瞭傳播方嚮,某種意義上講,世界已不是本來的模樣瞭。但在針孔的成像係統中,光綫依然維持自...
評分稍微對針孔攝影有所瞭解或者已經有興趣想瞭解一下的人都知道,在國內這方麵的資料幾乎為零(除瞭颱灣省)。筆者玩針孔至今所得經驗皆是從國外網站獲得,所以當我看到Eric Renner的Pinhole photography一書時一眼就看齣這是至今為止介紹針孔攝影最為全麵的一本書瞭——沒有之一...
圖書標籤: 攝影 玩具 Photography 針孔攝影 英語
Pinhole Photography, Fourth Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載