劳伦斯·韦施勒是著名杂志《纽约客》(New Yorker)的特派记者,同时也是纽约大学人文学院院长以及芝加哥人文艺术节的艺术主管。他的作品还有《威尔森先生神奇的柜子》(Mr.Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder) (该作品曾入围普利策新闻奖的最终评审),《维米尔在波斯尼亚》(Vermeer in Bosnia),以及《杂感集:往事历历》(Everything That Rises:A Book of Convergences)(本书获得了2007年国际图书批评家协会最佳评论奖)。
True to Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分忠于眼前所见的世界 ——《忠于生活:与大卫·霍克尼25的谈话录》书评 文/青禾 《忠于生活:与大卫·霍克尼25的谈话录》这不是一本个人传记,而是一本关于摄影艺术的谈话录。作为摄影爱好者,阅读这本书,能够从中获得启发。作为普通读者,则能够从劳伦斯与霍克尼诙谐幽默的...
图书标签: 霍克尼 weschler lawrence art
Soon after the book's publication in 1982, artist David Hockney read Lawrence Weschler's "Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: A Life of Contemporary Artist" Robert Irwin and invited Weschler to his studio to discuss it, initiating a series of engrossing dialogs, gathered here for the first time. Weschler chronicles Hockney's protean production and speculations, including his scenic designs for opera, his homemade xerographic prints, his exploration of physics in relation to Chinese landscape painting, his investigations into optical devices, his taking up of watercolor - and then his spectacular return to oil painting, around 2005, with a series of landscapes of the East Yorkshire countryside of his youth. These conversations provide an astonishing record of what has been Hockney's grand endeavor, nothing less than an exploration of 'the structure of seeing' itself.
True to Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书