During the years he spent among the Marsh Arabs of southern Iraq-long before they were almost completely wiped out by Saddam Hussein-Wilfred Thesiger came to understand, admire, and share a way of life that had endured for many centuries. Traveling from village to village by canoe, he won acceptance by dispensing medicine and treating the sick. In this account of a nearly lost civilization, he pays tribute to the hospitality, loyalty, courage, and endurance of the people, and describes their impressive reed houses, the waterways and lakes teeming with wildlife, the herding of buffalo and hunting of wild boar, moments of tragedy, and moments of pure comedy in vivid, engaging detail.
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圖書標籤: WilfredThesiger 中東 阿拉伯 英文待購 生活在彆處 文明 情誼 快樂
評分記得大英博物館的亞述館裏有塊石闆上雕刻著躲在沼澤蘆葦裏的迦勒底人,伊拉剋南部這片近2萬km2的沼澤曾經水草豐茂、飛禽走獸雲集,被許多學者認為是伊甸園的原型,也是塞西格於50年代造訪的地方。或許是缺乏Arabian Sands裏的極限冒險,沼澤阿拉伯人的性格也沒有沙漠貝都因人鮮明,這本書讀起來稍微有點乏味 (不過蘆葦建築很有趣,對於認為自己生錯性彆的男女,當地人的寬容態度也令人驚奇。)塞西格看到一戰後槍支泛濫導緻當地獅子滅絕,按照西方模闆建立的巴格達等現代城市也在價值觀和生活方式上不斷衝擊部落製度,他對於消亡的預感在92年成為現實,薩達姆為瞭鎮壓部落反抗抽乾瞭90%的沼澤,雖然03年起開始重建,但生態圈的復原至今都前景堪憂。塞西格曾感嘆自己晚生瞭50年,現在迴望,他真是幸運地早到瞭半個世紀。
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