Catherine Vance Yeh is head of the Chinese language and literature section in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature. Her research interest is in the twentieth-century Chinese entertainment culture and literature, in particular the relationship between entertainment and the transformation of society as a whole. She has published widely on the subject, and her most recent publication is Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910 (2006). A monograph entitled A Literary Fashion Goes Global: The Political Novel in Late Qing China is forthcoming. She is currently in the finishing stages of a project with the working title: “From Male ‘Flower’ to National Star: Media, international politics, and the transformation of patronage culture in the rise of the Peking opera female impersonator.”
藍土地,遠行者 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 叶凯蒂 工具书
劍城位於美國東北角,城中的H大學是舉世知名的學府。六月中旬暑期 班開課,照例吸引了各國學子前來短期進修。來自大陸的安其也是其中之一。
安其高挑明媚,聰穎迷人。但這樣的外貌下,卻隱藏了一顆陰鬱不安的靈魂。 安其三十歲了,離家千里,隻身飄流海外。除了前程未卜外,她更要與她的過 去搏鬥:文化大革命的夢魘、感情的創傷、親情的乖離,總是縈繞著她的記憶 ,百難消弭。
H大學的課程即將開始,安其將何去何從? 相對於前數年大陸作家的尋根情懷,葉凱蒂寫海外新的無根一代,別有 用心。《藍土地,遠行者》寄託深遠,結構精巧,作為第一本小說,頗有可觀 之處。(王德威)
藍土地,遠行者 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书