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The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai


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Desire, virtue, courtesans (also known as sing-song girls), and the denizens of Shanghai's pleasure quarters are just some of the elements that constitute Han Bangqing's extraordinary novel of late imperial China. Han's richly textured, panoramic view of late-nineteenth-century Shanghai follows a range of characters from beautiful sing-song girls to lower-class prostitutes and from men in positions of social authority to criminals and ambitious young men recently arrived from the country. Considered one of the greatest works of Chinese fiction, The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai is now available for the first time in English. Neither sentimental nor sensationalistic in its portrayal of courtesans and their male patrons, Han's work inquires into the moral and psychological consequences of desire. Han, himself a frequent habitue of Shanghai brothels, reveals a world populated by lonely souls who seek consolation amid the pleasures and decadence of Shanghai's demimonde. He describes the romantic games played by sing-song girls to lure men, as well as the tragic consequences faced by those who unexpectedly fall in love with their customers. Han also tells the stories of male patrons who find themselves emotionally trapped between desire and their sense of propriety. First published in 1892, and made into a film by Hou Hsiao-hsien in 1998, The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai is recognized as a pioneering work of Chinese fiction in its use of psychological realism and its infusion of modernist sensibilities into the traditional genre of courtesan fiction. The novel's stature has grown with the recent discovery of Eileen Chang's previously unknown translation, which was unearthed among her papers at the University of Southern California. Chang, who lived in Shanghai until 1956 when she moved to California and began to write in English, is one of the most acclaimed Chinese writers of the twentieth century.

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我是如此幸運在我吃飽瞭撐著瞭之後去逛瞭傢附近的舊書店,看到瞭這本人民文學齣版社的《海上花列傳》(不是藍色這個版本呢,更早的白色版本),如此幸運的我身上還掏得齣三十塊錢,如此幸運的那天剛好有人推薦過這本書,如此幸運的我就買瞭下來。 讓人頭疼的吳語和平淡如水的...  


晚清時代變遷的另一方麵,就是妓女素質下降。妓風趨利令名士唏噓不已,越發懷念曆史上那些重義輕利的名妓。而對現世的妓女持有一種不信任的態度。《九尾龜》當中的章鞦榖說: “古人欲於青樓中覓情種,已是大謬不然,你更要在上海倌人之中尋起情種來,豈非是謬中之謬?” 不...  


1.1《海上奇書》與作者例言 簾月窺人,夢魂慣得無拘檢;蕓窗闢蠹,正為風流始讀書。 民國九年,蔣瑞藻的《小說考證》捲八引《譚瀛室筆記》,說:“專寫妓院情形之書以《海上花》為第一發見。” 而《海上花列傳》,這部成書於1894年光緒甲午孟春的古典小說,第一迴開篇便直接點...  





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出版者:Columbia University Press
作者:Bangqing Han
譯者:Eileen Chang
價格:USD 26.00

圖書標籤: 張愛玲  文學  翻譯  王德威  晚清  吳語  中國現當代文學  上海   

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All too human when they are deluded by the impossible dreams and virtues they of all people should see through and that the sad clichés of fiction do happen and are made to happen repeatedly simply because they are part of the real human condition.


All too human when they are deluded by the impossible dreams and virtues they of all people should see through and that the sad clichés of fiction do happen and are made to happen repeatedly simply because they are part of the real human condition.


All too human when they are deluded by the impossible dreams and virtues they of all people should see through and that the sad clichés of fiction do happen and are made to happen repeatedly simply because they are part of the real human condition.


All too human when they are deluded by the impossible dreams and virtues they of all people should see through and that the sad clichés of fiction do happen and are made to happen repeatedly simply because they are part of the real human condition.



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