著名跨國公司高管,商業幽默作傢與小說傢,《財富》雜誌專欄作傢。文筆幽默、犀利,著作包括商業暢銷書《你可以再狠一點》(What Would Machiavelli Do?)、《與象共舞:管理上司的藝術》(Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up)、《職場兵法》(Sun Tzu Was a Sissy :、《一百種沒用的工作,以及如何得到它們》(100 Bullshit Jobs and How to Get Them)、《搞定惡老闆》(Crazy Bosses)、小說《勞埃德:怎麼瞭?》(Lloyd:What Happened)和《你今天看起來氣色不錯》(You Look Nice Today)。
People in the high flush of a successful but sometimes frenetic business career often look with envy at those who have entered their golden years. Ah! they think. To be retired! Free to wake when you wish, to have the time to reflect on the deeper things in life, play golf or quoits, or just go fishin' in the middle of the day. The stressed-out mind boggles at the prospect, and the lip cannot help but tremble and drool. At the same time, you may not be emotionallyor financiallyready to hang it all up. Which is why, whether you're a withered graybeard or a teeny young future hotshot in leather jodhpurs, you need Stanley Bing's global positioning system for a sane and pleasantly successful life: Executricks, or How to Retire While You're Still Working . Bing is the ultimate corporate insider, one who has attained nosebleed altitude and worked long and hard enough to lose his desire to work long and hard enough. Over time, he has watched the power players who have made their jobs into a waking festival of indolence and fun, and gleaned a vast range of executricks they have developed over the years, based around several core concepts: Delegation, or getting other people to do the stuff you don't want to Absence, or the ability to get "work" done while not being physically on the scene Abuse of status Acting visionary when confused Intense engagement (used only in crisis) A wellspring of executricks flow from these simple precepts, including: The use of the cell phone and BlackBerry to establish a permanent state of simultaneous Omniscience and Not-Presence Roping off mealtimes as zones of defensible entitlement Travel as an alternative to work The art of the nap Golfthe ultimate dodge Philanthropy and social activism, a pleasant parallel universe Executricks is the most precious of resources for those who work hard but would rather be hardly working: a secret handbook that lays bare the stratagems of those who have already ascended to the pinnacles of power. No office, home, or backpack should be without a dog-eared copy. Early adopters earn extra points.
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總是抱怨工作時間長工資還少,總是尋找工作與生活的平衡杠杆,總是猶豫要不要換個清閑的工作,也總是像螞蟻一樣不停地與重負較勁兒 而這一切,都是因為,還沒找到輕鬆高效工作的招數 作為讀者,我能通過這本書,找到最適閤自己的工作模式與生活規律 作為編輯,我的努力能讓我的...
評分翻翻這本書,老子笑翻瞭,老外也很搞嘛,技術啊,告訴你如何忽悠老闆和下屬,給人“認真”工作的假象,其實你在想方設法吃喝玩樂。 比如,電話會議,其實你在高級酒店的浴缸裏,旁邊有美女相伴,當然,這時候你需要做的就是少說,但是必須要讓人知道你參加瞭會議,盡管你在遙遠...
評分總是抱怨工作時間長工資還少,總是尋找工作與生活的平衡杠杆,總是猶豫要不要換個清閑的工作,也總是像螞蟻一樣不停地與重負較勁兒 而這一切,都是因為,還沒找到輕鬆高效工作的招數 作為讀者,我能通過這本書,找到最適閤自己的工作模式與生活規律 作為編輯,我的努力能讓我的...
評分翻翻這本書,老子笑翻瞭,老外也很搞嘛,技術啊,告訴你如何忽悠老闆和下屬,給人“認真”工作的假象,其實你在想方設法吃喝玩樂。 比如,電話會議,其實你在高級酒店的浴缸裏,旁邊有美女相伴,當然,這時候你需要做的就是少說,但是必須要讓人知道你參加瞭會議,盡管你在遙遠...
評分翻翻這本書,老子笑翻瞭,老外也很搞嘛,技術啊,告訴你如何忽悠老闆和下屬,給人“認真”工作的假象,其實你在想方設法吃喝玩樂。 比如,電話會議,其實你在高級酒店的浴缸裏,旁邊有美女相伴,當然,這時候你需要做的就是少說,但是必須要讓人知道你參加瞭會議,盡管你在遙遠...
圖書標籤: 管理 文化産業
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