NASB Giant Print Reference, Personal Size 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
当人寻求解释世界而不得时,必归因于必然性,诸如绝对意志,上帝,客观规律等等。这固然不无道理。但是,从本源上看,世界归根结底是必然的产物,还是偶然的产品,实难于定论。 如果我说,在某日的一个无所事事的午后,上帝老人家刚吃了些果品点心之类,又饮了几杯啤酒...
评分最近我常常感到我是一个孩子。奇怪的是,当我在身体的儿童时期,我从来不承认自己是小孩。每一年都觉得自己长大了,每一年都长大许多。知道的东西越来越多,而且是成倍的,我也成倍地长着,从很久以前开始,我就觉得自己早已长大。甚至,有点儿老了。 据说现在的小孩时常有...
评分 评分本文转自灵魂网,原作者Admin “信耶稣”三个字,是我们常听的,也是我们常说的。我们信耶稣,并且劝别人也信耶稣。到底信耶稣是什么意思呢?什么叫做信耶稣呢? 圣经约翰福音第一章第十二节,就是答覆这个问题:“凡接待他(耶稣)的,就是信他名的人...
评分人这一辈子只有一次,当我们回首往事的时候,我们希望可以说:“那美好的仗我已经打过了,当跑的路我已经跑尽了,所信的道我已经守住了。从此以后,有公 义的冠冕为我存留,就是按着公义审判的主到了那日要赐给我的;不但赐给我,也赐给凡爱慕他显现的人。”(《提摩太后书》4:...
图书标签: 英文原版 NASB Bible
旧版封面是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
评分旧版封面是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
评分旧版封面是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
评分旧版封面是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
评分旧版封面是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
NASB Giant Print Reference, Personal Size 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书