NASB Giant Print Reference, Personal Size 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這個故事非常短。《聖經》新約裏麵寫到,有一天耶穌和一大群人在街上看見一個妓女,有人想用石頭去打她,耶穌說,你們中間誰沒有罪的就可以去打她。 這個故事的寓意卻非常的深刻,它告訴瞭我們一個基督教最根本的思想,我們都是有罪的,我們沒有權力去譴責彆人,相反,我們應...
評分 評分什麼是愛? 聖經上說,愛是恒久忍耐。愛還是慈悲,是等待,是祝福,是放手。 愛是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。愛是不嫉妒。愛是不自誇。不張狂。 不作害羞的事。不求自己的益處。不輕易發怒。不計算人的惡。 不喜歡不義。隻喜歡真理。 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。 愛是...
評分——是否存在上帝? 《聖經》裏有著一個極其動人的故事,同時也是膾炙人口的:上帝許諾亞伯拉罕一子。亞伯拉罕聽到這個許諾之後無疑是高興的,他懷著希望去等待這個孩子,然而許多年月過去瞭,上帝的承諾始終沒有兌現,而這個老人卻是絲毫沒有改變自己等待孩子的意誌以及對上...
評分先贊一下打鼓的兔子,文章寫的漂亮。前幾個月看過她一篇寫老師的文章然後去看瞭那個電影。剛剛纔發現同是一個作者~ 然後想多說幾句...本來是在迴復欄,後來看著實在太長就另寫吧。 是不是與小時候的教育經曆有關?許多人都認為唯物主義是唯一的真理。認為“唯心”...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 NASB Bible
舊版封麵是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
評分舊版封麵是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
評分舊版封麵是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
評分舊版封麵是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
評分舊版封麵是大黑皮 I especially wanted a large print Bible with Jesus' Words in red. I am delighted with what I got. The print is bold as well as large, and I can read it perfectly without my reading spectacles! The extras, of quality maps, a creative reference se
NASB Giant Print Reference, Personal Size 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載