阿米塔夫•高希(Amitav Ghosh) 齣生於加爾各答,成長於印度、孟加拉國和斯裏蘭卡等地。他從新德裏大學畢業後,轉而前往牛津大學研習社會人類學博士學位。他曾是田野工作者,也曾經任職記者,但最終他成為一個小說傢,並且以其獨有的人類學關懷、學者的豐富知識背景,以及細膩入微的描寫,構成瞭當代印度英語文學重要的一部分。
自一九八六年齣版第一部小說《理性環》(The Circle of Reason)之後,阿米塔夫•高希筆耕不輟,齣版瞭《陰影綫》(The Shadow Lines)、《加爾各答染色體》(The Calcutta Chromosome)、《玻璃宮殿》(The Glass Palace)、《餓潮》(The Hungry Tide),以及“硃鷺號”三部麯中的《罌粟海》和《煙河》(River of Smoke)等著作,並先後獲得包括法國美第奇文學奬、印度國內最負盛名的文學奬挲訶德耶學院奬以及英國阿瑟•剋拉剋科幻奬等奬項。其中,《罌粟海》更是入圍二〇〇八年英國曼布剋奬決選名單,榮獲二〇〇九年沃達豐字謎圖書奬年度最佳小說,以及二〇〇九年印度廣場金鵝毛筆最佳年度小說以及讀者票選最受歡迎奬。
阿米塔夫•高希曾與二〇〇七年被印度總統授予印度最高榮譽“卓越貢獻奬”(Padma Shri),還曾於二〇一〇年與著名作傢瑪格麗特•阿斯特伍德同獲丹•大衛奬。
Praise for The Glass Palace: -- . 'Breathtaking ! Ghosh is a deeply serious writer, sure of his human and historical insights ! I cannot think of another contemporary writer with whom it would be so thrilling to go so far, so fast' -- The Times 'A splendid, exotic, panoramic saga, with fascinating detail about the period and the countries involved. Eminently readable, indeed a real page-turner' -- Publishing News 'A born storyteller ! never for a moment is the reader not propelled irresistibly forward to discover what happens next' -- Literary Review Praise for The Hungry Tide: -- . 'A marvellous novel ! an ambitious, absorbing, vivid, deeply involving story ! the narrative is full of excitement. Here is a thoughtful examination of what it means to be fully human' -- Sunday Times 'An exceptionally intricate and rich novel' -- Financial Times 'Ghosh probes the hearts of his characters and examines the nature of their identity ! the climax is a tremendous scene, but it is the haunting quality of this novel that stays in the memory' -- Sunday Telegraph
Praise for The Glass Palace:
(. )
‘Breathtaking … Ghosh is a deeply serious writer, sure of his human and historical insights … I cannot think of another contemporary writer with whom it would be so thrilling to go so far, so fast’
(The Times )
‘A splendid, exotic, panoramic saga, with fascinating detail about the period and the countries involved. Eminently readable, indeed a real page-turner’
(Publishing News )
‘A born storyteller … never for a moment is the reader not propelled irresistibly forward to discover what happens next’
(Literary Review )
Praise for The Hungry Tide:
(. )
‘A marvellous novel … an ambitious, absorbing, vivid, deeply involving story … the narrative is full of excitement. Here is a thoughtful examination of what it means to be fully human’
(Sunday Times )
‘An exceptionally intricate and rich novel’
(Financial Times )
‘Ghosh probes the hearts of his characters and examines the nature of their identity … the climax is a tremendous scene, but it is the haunting quality of this novel that stays in the memory’
(Sunday Telegraph )
'A remarkably rich saga' --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
'Each scene is boldly drawn, but it is the sheer energy and verve of Amitav Ghosh's storytelling that binds this ambitious medley'
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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京東搞活動時訂的還沒到手,看介紹應該是我喜歡的曆史驚險傳奇類型 的,應該不錯。國內齣版的外國作傢以鴉片戰爭為背景的小說好像很少,記得多年前有本《大班》的時代背景好像差不多也是類似的,這樣的小說齣版社為什麼不大力宣傳一下呢? 不知道第二部《煙河》什麼時候齣版?
評分書是很好的,故事是很吸引人的,不過象這樣在第一本書的結尾把讀者晾在一旁的作者還真少見,頗有美劇編劇的風格。Amitav Ghosh的寫作速度再快也不行啊,三部麯估計要搞到2010年以後…… 如果你沒有等待的耐心,建議在電腦上設個鬧鍾,2011年元旦再來看完整的Ibis三部麯吧
評分京東搞活動時訂的還沒到手,看介紹應該是我喜歡的曆史驚險傳奇類型 的,應該不錯。國內齣版的外國作傢以鴉片戰爭為背景的小說好像很少,記得多年前有本《大班》的時代背景好像差不多也是類似的,這樣的小說齣版社為什麼不大力宣傳一下呢? 不知道第二部《煙河》什麼時候齣版?
評分書是很好的,故事是很吸引人的,不過象這樣在第一本書的結尾把讀者晾在一旁的作者還真少見,頗有美劇編劇的風格。Amitav Ghosh的寫作速度再快也不行啊,三部麯估計要搞到2010年以後…… 如果你沒有等待的耐心,建議在電腦上設個鬧鍾,2011年元旦再來看完整的Ibis三部麯吧
Sea of Poppies 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載