Learning From Hangzhou 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 杭州 攝影集 社会 hangzhou 名字 MathieuBorysevicz
Over the last ten years, the ancient city of Hangzhou, China, has tripled in size and added over a million people to its population. Learning from Hangzhou is an extended photoessay that situates Hangzhou within the physically and culturally transformative pressures of China's unbridled economic expansion. Between 2003 and 2008, more than 3,000 images of Hangzhou were taken, and then sorted for recurrent subject matter. This resulting condensed portrait catalogues such themes as the ubiquity of demolition and construction in Hangzhou, its architectural eclecticism, graffiti, advertising and the tenuous relationship between architecture and signage, all of which collide in an orgy of permissiveness--in a city once renowned for its tranquil beauty. This photo essay, which takes its cue from the seminal Learning from Las Vegas by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, is accompanied by texts that explicate Hangzhou's emblematic role in China's larger transformations.
更像是摄影集了;Venturi说“move over Las Vegas, viva Hangzhou”。故地重游的话会发现,天际线被治理,大兴土木与G20形式不顾一切的“治理”,正在进行可能是全国最大规模(至少在金钱上)的城中村改造,也许这之后的十年较之2003-08要更为狂飙突进了
评分角度还挺独特的 从 拆迁广告牌,工人宿舍,大绿网 政府建筑,圆形建筑 后现代中国风格对抗,王澍 郊外农舍-蓝玻璃/绿玻璃 建筑中的行为---建筑风水!空调 广告幽闭效应---黄牛广告,红色标语,巴士广告,电子标语
评分角度还挺独特的 从 拆迁广告牌,工人宿舍,大绿网 政府建筑,圆形建筑 后现代中国风格对抗,王澍 郊外农舍-蓝玻璃/绿玻璃 建筑中的行为---建筑风水!空调 广告幽闭效应---黄牛广告,红色标语,巴士广告,电子标语
评分根據作者在04-08年間在杭州拍得數千張照片編撰而成,附帶Robert Venturi和Denise Scott Brown簡單的前言,希望能借Venturi&Brown "Learning from Las Vegas"那樣的正能量。如果作者是08年以後去中國做的考察,還能如此樂觀向前嗎?
评分角度还挺独特的 从 拆迁广告牌,工人宿舍,大绿网 政府建筑,圆形建筑 后现代中国风格对抗,王澍 郊外农舍-蓝玻璃/绿玻璃 建筑中的行为---建筑风水!空调 广告幽闭效应---黄牛广告,红色标语,巴士广告,电子标语
Learning From Hangzhou 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书