The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我四处飘飞的浮想甚至做了千百个计划 自传体的小说最虚伪,因为所谓的“我”,往往隐藏了真相,最好的事情是“我”做的,而所有的坏事,都是别人的迫害。所有的视角都是从叙述者的逻辑出发,有点自说自话,如同王婆卖瓜。不过,刚好符合现在人的审美情趣,这个世界,除了“...
评分阅读对于我来说是件孤独的事情,也是件排解孤独的事情。当心里那些个大大小小的过节,实在找不到排解的出口的时候,我便会捧起那些我长久以来想看却无暇欣赏的书。这些书,便会随着我的阅读,带着我的回忆,我的秘密,一起悄无声息的沉淀下去,仿佛什么都没发生过一样。 其实...
评分生命是伤痛、蔑视与赞美 --《潜水钟与蝴蝶》 如果有谁把《潜水钟与蝴蝶》当成一本励志书,那他就错了,事实上,这是一本神秘而可怕的书。当一个神志清醒的人全身肌肉瘫痪、除了眼皮哪儿都不能动的时候,"自强不息、身残志坚"之类的词语,都会变成毫无意义的废话。这样的悲剧...
评分设想自己行将入土,你会在生命里残存的日子去做点什么? 如果此时你寸步难移,连转身都无法做到呢? 如果你不仅无法动弹,连与人交流也无法开口,而只能通过眨眼示意呢? 初见这本书,让我想起了前几年讲述高位截瘫者雷蒙的一部电影《深海长眠》,虽然他们讲述的主题不一样。...
In December 1995, Jean-Dominique Bauby, the 43-year-old editor of French Elle, suffered a massive stroke that left him permanently paralyzed, a victim of “locked in syndrome.” Once known for his gregariousness and wit, Bauby now finds himself imprisoned in an inert body, able to communicate only by blinking his left eye. The miracle is that in doing so he was able to compose this stunningly eloquent memoir.
In a voice that is by turns wistful and mischievous, angry and sardonic, Bauby gives us a celebration of the liberating power of consciousness: what it is like to spend a day with his children, to imagine lying in bed beside his wife, to conjure up the flavor of delectable meals even as he is fed through at tube. Most of all, this triumphant book lets us witness an indomitable spirit and share in the pure joy of its own survival.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书