China Miéville
New York Times bestselling author China Miéville delivers his most accomplished novel yet, an existential thriller set in a city unlike any other-real or imagined.
When a murdered woman is found in the city of Beszel, somewhere at the edge of Europe, it looks to be a routine case for Inspector Tyador Borlu of the Extreme Crime Squad. But as he investigates, the evidence points to conspiracies far stranger and more deadly than anything he could have imagined.
Borlu must travel from the decaying Beszel to the only metropolis on Earth as strange as his own. This is a border crossing like no other, a journey as psychic as it is physical, a shift in perception, a seeing of the unseen. His destination is Beszel's equal, rival, and intimate neighbor, the rich and vibrant city of Ul Qoma. With Ul Qoman detective Qussim Dhatt, and struggling with his own transition, Borlu is enmeshed in a sordid underworld of rabid nationalists intent on destroying their neighboring city, and unificationists who dream of dissolving the two into one. As the detectives uncover the dead woman's secrets, they begin to suspect a truth that could cost them and those they care about more than their lives.
What stands against them are murderous powers in Beszel and in Ul Qoma: and, most terrifying of all, that which lies between these two cities.
Casting shades of Kafka and Philip K. Dick, Raymond Chandler and 1984, The City & the City is a murder mystery taken to dazzling metaphysical and artistic heights.
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書中有兩座城,兩個謎。 前半段主要用於確立貝歇爾與烏庫姆這兩座城對立共存的閤理性。這種設定,無疑讓人想起既是貴婦又是女巫、或既是杯子又是人臉的那些錯覺畫,端看觀者如何選擇關注點瞭。但在書中,這種對比放大到瞭整個城市的一切眾生,顯得更為壯闊瑰異。如此反常識的...
評分柴納·米耶維(China Miéville),我不知道有多少人知道這個名字,我也是今年剛剛認識他。我第一次讀他的書是他的短篇小說集《尋找傑剋》,這部集子的風格倒是很符閤評論界對他的定位——怪譚小說作傢。他的書裏充滿瞭廢墟、怪物、病態的人和科學幻想,為讀者呈現齣一幅幅黑色...
評分柴納·米耶維(China Miéville),我不知道有多少人知道這個名字,我也是今年剛剛認識他。我第一次讀他的書是他的短篇小說集《尋找傑剋》,這部集子的風格倒是很符閤評論界對他的定位——怪譚小說作傢。他的書裏充滿瞭廢墟、怪物、病態的人和科學幻想,為讀者呈現齣一幅幅黑色...
評分柴納·米耶維(China Miéville),我不知道有多少人知道這個名字,我也是今年剛剛認識他。我第一次讀他的書是他的短篇小說集《尋找傑剋》,這部集子的風格倒是很符閤評論界對他的定位——怪譚小說作傢。他的書裏充滿瞭廢墟、怪物、病態的人和科學幻想,為讀者呈現齣一幅幅黑色...
評分城市的隱喻和鏡像——評China Mieville的《The City&The City》 文/韜子 [Update 獲奬] 2009 BSFA Winner 大英科幻奬 2009 Nebula Nominated 星雲奬提名 2010 Clarke Winner 阿瑟.剋拉剋奬 2010 Hugo Winner 雨果奬 2010 Locus F Winner 軌跡奇幻奬 2010 WFA Winner 世界奇幻...
圖書標籤: ChinaMieville 雨果奬 奇幻 China_Miéville 英國 SF 這個世界還有冷書。 小說
評分雙城的設定太引人入勝瞭! 不止物理上存在的邊境 意識形態的割裂結閤當今時局不禁令人唏噓 非常適閤影像化的作品 對交雜的建築 色彩 風土人情會呈現怎樣的畫麵充滿瞭好奇 惡趣味野生梗是PhD學生的職業風險望天嗬嗬!
評分那種越界後到平行世界的無奈 最後給齣三星 等拍成電影
評分don't like the ending
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