About the ESV
The English Standard Version (ESV) is an essentially literal translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes word-for-word accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning. Suited for personal reading, public worship, in-depth study, and Scripture memorization, the ESV is available in more than 200 print editions on Crossway and free digitally via mobile apps or online through ESV. Since its publication in 2001, the ESV Bible has gained wide acceptance and is used by church leaders, numerous denominations and organizations, and millions of individuals around the world.
Product Description
Understand the Bible in a deeper way. The ESV Study Bible was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way. To accomplish this, it combines the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV Bible text. The result is the most comprehensive study Bible ever created, which raises the bar in terms of quality and quantity to a level that will not be matched for decades.
"The ESV is a dream come true for me! the scope and theological faithfulness of the ESV Study Bible notes is breathtaking." -- John Piper, Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis. "The ESV Study Bible is the most important resource that has been given to the emerging generation of Bible students and teachers. The ESV Study Bible is the best. Perior." -- Mark Driscoll, Preaching Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle. "The definitive clarity and beauty of the ESV Study Bible is extraordinary! For everyone who wants to understand God's word in a deeper way, the ESV Study Bible is an outstanding resource" -- Joni Eareckson Tada, Founda of the JAF International Disability Center. "The ESV Study Bible is the finest study tool I have seen in fifty years of Bible teaching. The notes, articles, maps and illustrations are all of the highest quality. It is a great achievement!" -- Jerry Bridgets, speaker and bestselling author of The Pursuit of Holiness.
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一般意義上,我們所知道的《聖經》是指包括瞭《舊約》和《新約》的《聖經》。事實上,這個版本的《聖經》是現在基督教以及新教所采用的《聖經》。 如果嚴格地考量,《聖經》有三種版本。第一種是希伯來聖經,它是屬於猶太人的聖經,內容上,這個版本的聖經與我們...
評分——是否存在上帝? 《聖經》裏有著一個極其動人的故事,同時也是膾炙人口的:上帝許諾亞伯拉罕一子。亞伯拉罕聽到這個許諾之後無疑是高興的,他懷著希望去等待這個孩子,然而許多年月過去瞭,上帝的承諾始終沒有兌現,而這個老人卻是絲毫沒有改變自己等待孩子的意誌以及對上...
評分——是否存在上帝? 《聖經》裏有著一個極其動人的故事,同時也是膾炙人口的:上帝許諾亞伯拉罕一子。亞伯拉罕聽到這個許諾之後無疑是高興的,他懷著希望去等待這個孩子,然而許多年月過去瞭,上帝的承諾始終沒有兌現,而這個老人卻是絲毫沒有改變自己等待孩子的意誌以及對上...
評分本文轉自靈魂網,原作者Admin “信耶穌”三個字,是我們常聽的,也是我們常說的。我們信耶穌,並且勸彆人也信耶穌。到底信耶穌是什麼意思呢?什麼叫做信耶穌呢? 聖經約翰福音第一章第十二節,就是答覆這個問題:“凡接待他(耶穌)的,就是信他名的人...
評分(一)女人和國傢 我常常覺得,一個正常的國傢裏,國傢政權應該是一個被壓在人民身下的女人,而不是倒過來;采取女上位的女人是彪悍的,同樣,騎在人民身上的政權也是可怕的。當一個女人握著你的把把問你愛不愛她的時候,唯一政治正確的迴答是“愛,很愛,最愛!!”因為...
圖書標籤: 聖經 ESV 基督教:研讀版聖經 宗教 英語 哲學 《Bible》 基督教
目前最愛的英文版本 睡前讀 睡醒也讀
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