斯蒂夫·赫利(Steve Hely),美国作家,编剧。毕业于哈佛大学,在校期间曾担任哈佛校园最知名的刊物《哈佛妙文》的社长。毕业后从事编剧工作,为脱口秀节目《戴维·莱特曼晚间秀》、喜剧卡通片《美国老爹》、电视剧《我为喜剧狂》担任编剧及制作人,所参与节
How I Became a Famous Novelist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分喜欢读畅销小说的人应该读这本书! 喜欢文学写作的人应该读读这本书! 但是,我最想说的是喜欢金凯利电影的人绝对不能错过这本书!看这本How I Became a Famous Novelist(谁能告诉我为什么“畅销书作家”比“畅销小说家”更能吸引中国眼球呢?),让我想起他的...
评分《我如何成为一名畅销书作家》,望文生义,会误以为这又是一本宣讲“成功学”的励志书。 《我如何成为一名畅销书作家》实则是运用小说的形式,对商业时代的媚俗文化进行了全面的揭露和嘲讽。异想天开的形式,惊世骇俗的姿态,层层深入的爆料,妙趣横生的故事,幽默诙谐...
评分这本书但看名字会让人很容易误以为这又是一本宣讲“成功学”的励志书, 其实则是运用小说的形式,对商业时代的媚俗文化进行了全面的揭露和嘲讽。 用《华盛顿邮报》上的评论说,这“是一本勇敢到放肆的书”。 看后感觉确实如此。
What Pete Tarslaw wants is simple enough: a realistic amount of fame that will open new avenues of sexual opportunity; the kind of financial comfort that will allow him to spend his life pursuing hobbies such as boating or skeet shooting at his stately home by the ocean or a scenic lake; and—perhaps mostly importantly—the chance to humiliate his ex-girlfriend at her wedding. This is the story of how he succeeds in getting it all, and what it costs him in the end.
Narrated by an unlikely literary legend, How I Became A Famous Novelist pinballs from the post-college slums of Boston, to the fear-drenched halls of Manhattan's publishing houses, from the gloomy purity of Montana’s foremost writing workshop to the hedonistic hotel bars of the Sunset Strip. The horrifying, hilarious tale of how Pete’s “pile of garbage” called The Tornado Ashes Club becamethe most talked about, blogged about, read, admired, and reviled novel in America will change everything you think you know about literature, appearance, truth, beauty, andthose people out there, somewhere in America, who still care about books.
How I Became a Famous Novelist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书