斯蒂夫·赫利(Steve Hely),美國作傢,編劇。畢業於哈佛大學,在校期間曾擔任哈佛校園最知名的刊物《哈佛妙文》的社長。畢業後從事編劇工作,為脫口秀節目《戴維·萊特曼晚間秀》、喜劇卡通片《美國老爹》、電視劇《我為喜劇狂》擔任編劇及製作人,所參與節
What Pete Tarslaw wants is simple enough: a realistic amount of fame that will open new avenues of sexual opportunity; the kind of financial comfort that will allow him to spend his life pursuing hobbies such as boating or skeet shooting at his stately home by the ocean or a scenic lake; and—perhaps mostly importantly—the chance to humiliate his ex-girlfriend at her wedding. This is the story of how he succeeds in getting it all, and what it costs him in the end.
Narrated by an unlikely literary legend, How I Became A Famous Novelist pinballs from the post-college slums of Boston, to the fear-drenched halls of Manhattan's publishing houses, from the gloomy purity of Montana’s foremost writing workshop to the hedonistic hotel bars of the Sunset Strip. The horrifying, hilarious tale of how Pete’s “pile of garbage” called The Tornado Ashes Club becamethe most talked about, blogged about, read, admired, and reviled novel in America will change everything you think you know about literature, appearance, truth, beauty, andthose people out there, somewhere in America, who still care about books.
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夢想總是遙不可及 是不是因該放棄 花開花落又是一季 春天啊你在哪裏 …… 當初的願望實現瞭嗎 事到如今隻好祭奠嗎 任歲月風乾理想 再也找不迴真的我 …… ——電影《十一度青春之老男孩》片尾麯 “我分不齣來好壞。我以為我能。我以...
評分我如何成為一名暢銷書作傢? (美)史蒂夫 赫利 這是一本虛構的小說 並不是作者寫自己成為在小說作傢的心路曆程的。 故事的起因是由於主人公失戀的同時又失業 在人生的低榖收到瞭前女友的婚禮邀請函 百無聊賴且憤憤不平之下 想讓自己在前女友的婚禮上重振雄風 他想到的就是讓...
評分 評分喜歡讀暢銷小說的人應該讀這本書! 喜歡文學寫作的人應該讀讀這本書! 但是,我最想說的是喜歡金凱利電影的人絕對不能錯過這本書!看這本How I Became a Famous Novelist(誰能告訴我為什麼“暢銷書作傢”比“暢銷小說傢”更能吸引中國眼球呢?),讓我想起他的...
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