卡爾·波普爾爵士(Sir Karl Raimund Popper)是當代西方傑齣的科學哲學傢和社會哲學傢。他的《曆史決定論的貧睏》(The Poverty of Historicism)和《開放社會及其敵人》(The Open Society and its Enemies)是西方民主思想寶庫中的經典著作。波普爾曾經由於這兩部書獲得過英國女皇頒授的爵位。
Written in political exile during the Second World War and first published in 1945, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a 'vigorous and profound defence of democracy', its now legendary attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel and Marx exposed the dangers inherent in centrally planned political systems. Popper's highly accessible style, his erudite and lucid explanations of the thought of great philosophers and the recent resurgence of totalitarian regimes around the world are just three of the reasons for the enduring popularity of The Open Society and Its Enemies, and for why it demands to be read both today and in years to come. This is the second of two volumes of The Open Society and Its Enemies.
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查一本名叫《馬剋思主義——驗屍》的書時無意間找到的,實在很佩服作者的做批判的勇氣,基本沒啥道理可講,把書上的思想概括一下,再加點扭麯,然後就開始作神棍語瞭。 (《驗屍》一書還沒找到,有知道的朋友,請迴帖告訴我,謝謝) 全文很長,名曰:析馬剋思主義意識形態理論...
評分亞裏士多德認為本質(forms or essences)是終點(final cause or ends),因此隻有通過變動來實現本質。相比之下,亞裏士多德是樂觀的(progressive),而柏拉圖則是悲觀的(decay)。波普爾認為柏拉圖和亞裏士多德權威的來源在於其哲學契閤中世紀極權主義的利益。黑格爾則代...
評分暗無天日的牢房,年邁的他緩緩舉起酒杯,這是他鍾愛的國傢賜他的毒酒。 有人勸他屈服,他拒絕瞭;有人慫恿他逃到國外,他拒絕瞭。 卡爾•波普爾說“蘇格拉底可能歡迎那次審判,使他有機會證明他對城邦的無限忠誠。” 為瞭見證他對國傢的忠誠,他接受國傢的審判,即使國傢給他...
評分Popper(波普或波普爾)最值得敬佩的地方在於他的批判精神和對理性的執著。開放社會的概念正是波普哲學在政治上的閤理推論,瞭解所謂“批判理性主義”必讀。 這種哲學態度的價值在於對極權主義有超強的抵抗力,然而卻也容易陷入不可知論的泥沼。 Anyway,理性萬歲!
圖書標籤: Popper 哲學 政治哲學
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