他为电影《明信片的边缘》所作的歌曲I’m Checking Out获得1991年第63届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖提名;《人行道的尽头》同名唱片还获得1984年格莱美奖。
A Light in the Attic 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最近在读的书,很有趣。 偶尔在书店发生,立即买下,想不到竟然有7折。 [美]谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 下面为引用。原文——《带着水桶和抹布,谁在那里擦拭星星?》 集诗人、插画家、漫画家、剧作家、绘本作家、作曲家、乡村歌手、吉他弹奏者等等才艺于一身的谢尔·希尔弗斯坦...
评分Some pomes I think are nonsense.I cann't figure out what he is trying to say. BUT,they are still wonderful nonsense... The price is 25rmb.Many pages of this book are blank,only with a small sketche and a few-line poem in the corner. It seems that translati...
评分 评分不适合拿来打发无聊的下午 只是在睡觉前读上那么一两首。 会让人的心境开阔,平和。 拥有像孩子一般的单纯,以及,小小的自私。 坦诚而赤裸。 最近有一个朋友,非常的不开心。 所以决定把这本书送给他。 希望他能开心一点。 希望所有想得到一个好心情的人来读这本书,在一个阳...
评分从谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 的《失落的一角》到《爱心树》,再到《阁楼上的光》,不得不折服。用这些黑白的画面,简单的线条来表现生活中的酸甜苦辣。无论是失落一角中那个不断向前的圆,爱心树中那个不断付出付出付出的大树,还是阁楼上的光中那一首首辛辣的小诗。总撩起我的思...
图书标签: 圖本
Last night, while I lay thinking here,
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me? . . . Here in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo With an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with the Broiled Face, and find out what happens when someone steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a mountain snores, and they’ve put a brassiere on the camel. With 12 never-before-published poems, here is a special edition of this beloved poetry collection, from the creator of Where the Sidewalk ends and Falling Up .
A Light in the Attic 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书