First published in 1870, the author of 'Venus in Furs' defined - and unwittingly gave his own name to - that sexual proclivity we know as masochism in this understated, charged erotic classic. What woman could resist a trembling man handing her the whip? Severin is a young Galician nobleman with a secret; he can only love a woman with a ruthless heart, who will rain her whip upon him in a shower of bloody kisses. When he meets Wanda, the wealthy and beautiful widow living in the apartment upstairs, he wonders if she might be the one to help him realise his darkest desires. But Wanda is better than she ever dreamed possible at domination - and soon Severin realises he is powerless to escape what he has begun. Here, fantasy and reality writhe together in a ceaseless, fraught embrace...
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生成與流變————權力的水文學 《穿裘皮大衣的維納斯》中,聯係薩烏寜和旺達關係的首先是一種傾瀉,而並非來自於親密關係的情感需求,如果說作為旺達的未婚夫,薩烏寜早就得到瞭他所應該具備的品質,但是契約源自薩烏寜單方麵的需求,這一需求並非是一種精神的病理學的特性,...
評分在民間,賤貨,通指女人。但,其實男人賤起來比女人更甚。 尤以 性格女性化/脆弱/清秀俊俏/同性戀傾嚮/戀母情結/妄想狂/露陰癖/具有特殊天賦 的男人為甚,那下賤起來幾乎是可以對其為所欲為的(前提,你是他的愛慕對象),, 讀這部小說的人裏有相當一部分是抱著滿足好奇欲/偷...
評分本書幸好附有英譯本,我也隻讀完瞭英文的文本。因為翻過幾頁英文版序言的中譯,發現好多問題,就知難而退瞭。以下試舉幾例中譯本的翻譯錯誤。不過我大學英語公共六級剛及格而已,論述未必切當,提齣來供彆的讀者參考罷瞭。 1. For a number of years he edited the internation...
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