Throughout the book the authors show how managers use financial theory to solve practical problems and as a way of learning how to respond to change by showing not just how but why companies and management act as they do. The first eleven chapters are essentially the same as those in Principles. They cover the time value of money, the valuation of bonds and stocks, and practical capital budgeting decisions. The remaining chapters discuss market efficiency, payout policy, and capital structure, option valuation, and long and short-term financial planning. The text is modular, so that Parts can be introduced in an alternative order.
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評分認真讀過此書的前幾章。此書寫得淺顯易懂,習題也比較好,可以很好的來鞏固書本內容。 但是,有一章描述到公司股票價格,按照此書的說法,股票價格就由一個簡單的公式決定的,如果真的這麼簡單,人人都是股票專傢,可以預測股票價格瞭。
評分基本上,在大學裏金融專業學習的分支兩個 —— 投資學(Investments)和公司金融(Corporate Finance)。而作為基礎之一公司金融在國內叫的五花八門,不用去糾結具體含義,基本上的叫法有:公司金融、公司理財、公司財務、財務管理等等,本文一下全部以公司金融或CorFin代替。 ...
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