Sociological and psychiatric studies on suicide based on Western ideas about human nature see suicide as social or individual disorder. Suicide in China, however, should be understood differently.
By analyzing 30 cases, Wu Fei studies the dynamics of suicide in terms of family politics and local psychology and finds that suicide is committed when a power balance is broken in the games of power in the family. Unlike public injustice, domestic injustice is not only closely related to, but also often strengthened by emotional interdependence. Suicide and depression are different responses to the same situation of domestic injustice. The book also covers suicide as perceived by rural people outside the family; how suicide is viewed in politics; suicide prevention and studies of suicide in Chinese modern intellectual history.
Showing that suicide in China is not mainly caused by too traditional values, but reflects a dilemma in Chinese modernity, this book should be of interest to students and scholars in Chinese studies; sociology; anthropology and suicide studies.
Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University Reviews: This book is the most serious ethnographic study of suicide to date. Its conclusions challenge but also complement psychiatric research. It is also an important contribution to the study of what is disappearing in rural China today. A real achievement.
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評分文化是一個係統性的問題,而復雜係統的理解,往往可以通過這一係統的極端錶現來觀察。這本《浮生取義》是一本非常棒的社會學讀本,其中所討論的自殺問題,讓人更容易理解中國文化與外國文化的差異性。 塗爾乾將自殺分為利己、利他和失範三型。而Giddens則認為自殺的原因可...
評分十年之前就想要讀這本書,拖到今日,終於在“三上”時間看完瞭。過程中屢次搖頭嘆氣,半夜氣得睡不著。這篇也不能算是正式的書評,隻是一些隨感,但短評肯定是寫不下瞭。 首先不能否認,吳飛教授這本書在自殺問題上有開創之功,而且在田野調查上的確花瞭很多力氣。如果我真是十...
評分文化是一個係統性的問題,而復雜係統的理解,往往可以通過這一係統的極端錶現來觀察。這本《浮生取義》是一本非常棒的社會學讀本,其中所討論的自殺問題,讓人更容易理解中國文化與外國文化的差異性。 塗爾乾將自殺分為利己、利他和失範三型。而Giddens則認為自殺的原因可...
圖書標籤: 人類學 吳飛 自殺 政治哲學 社會學 英文原版 社會學/人類學 社會
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評分相比浮生取義,mental health problems的討論更多瞭,尤其是在最後一章。隻是有的詞句真的沒法翻譯,作為一個中國人,看著看著就笑哭瞭...不是吳飛翻得不好,是難度係數太高,同情看不懂的外國人...
評分相比浮生取義,mental health problems的討論更多瞭,尤其是在最後一章。隻是有的詞句真的沒法翻譯,作為一個中國人,看著看著就笑哭瞭...不是吳飛翻得不好,是難度係數太高,同情看不懂的外國人...
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