David Émile Durkheim (1858 - 1917) is known as one of the founders of modern sociology.
Suicide 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
从5月开始,富士康“跳楼事件”频频发生,一系列的“N连跳”出现在各家新闻媒体的头版,各界人士纷纷将焦点投向这一神秘的全球代工帝国——富士康,企求能够正确的解决方案解除燃眉之急。 然而事实证明,这些并没有道出富士康“跳楼事件”的核心问题所在,因此,作者特此翻阅...
评分一、引言 所谓自杀是指凡当事人自己采取直接的或间接的、积极的或消极的行动,达到了预期死亡结果的情形。涂尔干把实证主义思想结合自杀现象,继而驳斥了以往关于自杀产生的种种原因。在本书中阐述了自杀虽然看上去是完全属于个人意志的自杀,但某种程度上来看也是社会的产...
评分 评分当年写的文章,现在看来写的很烂很凑字数,贴出以鞭策自己。 《自杀论》:一本社会学研究方法的教科书 -----读《自杀论》有感 这学期有幸上了“社会学导论”一课,经过老师推荐,读了法国著名的社会学家涂尔干的《自杀论》一书,这本书可...
图书标签: 社会学 涂尔干 Durkheim 英文原版 自杀 社会理论 哲学 ÉmileDurkheim
There would be no need for sociology if everyone understood the social frameworks within which we operate. That we do have a connection to the larger picture is largely thanks to the pioneering thinker ?mile Durkheim. He recognized that, if anything can explain how we as individuals relate to society, then it is suicide: Why does it happen? What goes wrong? Why is it more common in some places than others? In seeking answers to these questions, Durkheim wrote a work that has fascinated, challenged and informed its readers for over a hundred years. Far-sighted and trail-blazing in its conclusions, Suicide makes an immense contribution to our understanding to what must surely be one of the least understandable of acts. A brilliant study, it is regarded as one of the most important books Durkheim ever wrote.
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