霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679),英国人,他是西方最重要的政治哲学家之一,他对国家和法律的根本问题进行了精深的思考。主要著作有《利维坦》、《论公民》等。他的《利维坦》具有非凡的逻辑性和想像力,使政治哲学得到了一种逻辑严密的系统发挥,成为经世名著。
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人的本性是利己,所谓的利他来自两个原因:一是,如果你的利己行为伤害了他人的利益,会遭到他人的打击,这会导致利己的失败,所以有时候为了达到利己的目的,必须利他;二是,一个人利己的能力有限,团结了更多人就有更大的力量来实现利己。 国家和保险公司的性质有点像。我们...
评分今天,当我们谈到民主与专制时,恐怕没有人会怀疑两者孰优孰劣。似乎历史已经向我们证明了:专制是邪恶的、落后的、愚昧的象征,民主是正义的、先进的、智慧的象征,民主制度终将取代专制制度。 然而,这样的普世观念是我们自己认真思考后得出的结论吗?这其中是否掺杂有偏见?...
评分 评分这次抗疫,引发全国以举国之力,众志成城,发挥了体制优势。看到武汉方舱病床上的小伙子,看福山的“政治秩序的起源”。其实,想了解国家体制的起源,他应该看这本书-利维坦。 该书在本科时,是政治哲学必读书。但真正读懂,是在毕业以后。利维坦是圣经里的巨大怪物,作者霍布...
评分一、霍布斯的自由主义者争论 霍布斯《利维坦》的主题,长期被简化为国家机器是因为“一切人反对一切人”才不得已诞生的,又由于霍布斯强调了人受到本能里竞争、荣誉、猜疑(p94)等激情的驱使而斗争,似乎他就成为了个人主义甚至自由主义的代言人(比如本书的一些短评)。 如今...
图书标签: 政治哲学 霍布斯 政史心社经哲 oxford-world-classics gutenY ThomasHobbes Thomas-Hobbes PoliticalPhilosophy
He that is to govern a whole nation, must read in himself, not this, or that particular man; but mankind. Leviathan is both a magnificent literary achievement and the greatest work of political philosophy in the English language. Permanently challenging, it has found new applications and new refutations in every generation. Hobbes argues that human beings are first and foremost concerned with their own individual desires and fears. He shows that a conflict of each against every man can only be avoided by the adoption of a compact to enforce peace. The compact involves giving up some of our natural freedom to a sovereign power which will enforce the laws of peace on all citizens. Hobbes also analyses the subversive forces - religion, ambition, private conscience - that threaten to destroy the body politic, Leviathan itself, and return us to the state of war. This new edition reproduces the first printed text, retaining the original punctuation but modernizing the spelling. It offers exceptionally thorough and useful annotation, an introduction that guides the reader through the complexities of Hobbes's arguments, and a substantial index. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
so familiar (Plato and Augustine sounding)...the 3rd part unexamined (God's Kingdom)
评分霍布斯的主权理论实质上是反无政府主义的,于是他能够得到各个阵营的政治哲学家的一致认同,"monarchy....democracy...whereas the power in all forms, if they be perfect enough to protect them, is the same.",民主也可是威权主义的,只有“自由”站在霍布斯的反面。
评分Ms. Hitz说,无论在当时、还是在现代,霍布斯的政治哲学对于读者来说都是充满挑战的:在当时是激进,在现代是保守。
Leviathan 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书