R. S.托马斯(Ronald Stuart Thomas, 1913—2000),威尔士诗坛泰斗,20世纪英语世界最伟大的抒情诗人和宗教诗人之一。著有诗集20余部,多次获得各种诗歌奖项和荣誉,包括英女王诗歌金奖(1964),并于1996年获正式提名诺贝尔文学奖。托马斯终身在威尔士偏远的乡村教堂当牧师,自觉以自然和乡村的宁静、质朴来对抗现代世界的喧嚣与虚华。他的诗跟他本人一样,严谨拙朴,冷峻肃穆,厚重深刻。
Collected Later Poems, 1988-2000 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在这个庞大的题目下,我写下一些不成系统的思索,许多地方不够准确。但这也并非一篇好读的杂文,它需要特别有耐心与宽容心的读者。 1 我认为不存在一种“私人的认知”。假如对世界的认知意味着“正确的认识”,那么也就表明存在一种规则,根据此规则才有正确与错误的区分。规...
评分迪尔米德•约翰逊:评R. S. Thomas Collected Later Poems:1988—2000 R.S.托马斯的《晚年诗集》汇集了诗人后期的五本诗册。它们是《回声慢慢》、《对位》、《艰难时期的弥撒》、《决不休战》以及诗人去世后出版的《残渣》。 《回声慢慢》是一部自传性反思作品,绝版了很...
评分《回声慢慢》第13首 周围是结块的土; 上方是空荡荡的天—— 足以让你觉得每个毛孔 都应该带有点意义。 我自己则需要高大的树林, 太像教堂了,透过它们的彩绘 玻璃窗,在圣灵的 呼吸声下,我承认一个世界。 ——见《R.S.托马斯晚年诗选》第24页 《对位》道成肉身之四 男人们去...
评分在这个庞大的题目下,我写下一些不成系统的思索,许多地方不够准确。但这也并非一篇好读的杂文,它需要特别有耐心与宽容心的读者。 1 我认为不存在一种“私人的认知”。假如对世界的认知意味着“正确的认识”,那么也就表明存在一种规则,根据此规则才有正确与错误的区分。规...
评分在这个庞大的题目下,我写下一些不成系统的思索,许多地方不够准确。但这也并非一篇好读的杂文,它需要特别有耐心与宽容心的读者。 1 我认为不存在一种“私人的认知”。假如对世界的认知意味着“正确的认识”,那么也就表明存在一种规则,根据此规则才有正确与错误的区分。规...
图书标签: 诗歌
r.s. thomas (1913-2000) is one of the major poets of our time, as well as one of the finest religious poets in the English language and Wales's greatest poet. This substantial gathering of his late poems shows us the final flowering of a truly great poet still writing at the height of his powers right through his 70s and 80s. It begins with his autobiographical sequence The Echoes Return Slow, which has been unavailable for many years, and goes up to Residues, written immediately before his death at the age of 87. These powerful poems - about time and history, the self, love, the machine, the Cross and prayer - cover all of his major areas of questioning. This is R.S. Thomas in a winter light, his fury concentrated on the inhumanity of man and modern technology, his gaze absorbed by the God he felt in Nature, but finding nourishment in 'waste places'. At the same time he writes with resigned feeling and immense insight, as well as grim humour and playful irony, of isolation, ageing, marriage and 'love's shining greenhouses'. For Thomas, 'Poetry is that / which arrives at the intellect /by way of the heart.'
评分@2017-12-04 09:03:35
Collected Later Poems, 1988-2000 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书