R. S.托馬斯(Ronald Stuart Thomas, 1913—2000),威爾士詩壇泰鬥,20世紀英語世界最偉大的抒情詩人和宗教詩人之一。著有詩集20餘部,多次獲得各種詩歌奬項和榮譽,包括英女王詩歌金奬(1964),並於1996年獲正式提名諾貝爾文學奬。托馬斯終身在威爾士偏遠的鄉村教堂當牧師,自覺以自然和鄉村的寜靜、質樸來對抗現代世界的喧囂與虛華。他的詩跟他本人一樣,嚴謹拙樸,冷峻肅穆,厚重深刻。
r.s. thomas (1913-2000) is one of the major poets of our time, as well as one of the finest religious poets in the English language and Wales's greatest poet. This substantial gathering of his late poems shows us the final flowering of a truly great poet still writing at the height of his powers right through his 70s and 80s. It begins with his autobiographical sequence The Echoes Return Slow, which has been unavailable for many years, and goes up to Residues, written immediately before his death at the age of 87. These powerful poems - about time and history, the self, love, the machine, the Cross and prayer - cover all of his major areas of questioning. This is R.S. Thomas in a winter light, his fury concentrated on the inhumanity of man and modern technology, his gaze absorbed by the God he felt in Nature, but finding nourishment in 'waste places'. At the same time he writes with resigned feeling and immense insight, as well as grim humour and playful irony, of isolation, ageing, marriage and 'love's shining greenhouses'. For Thomas, 'Poetry is that / which arrives at the intellect /by way of the heart.'
Collected Later Poems, 1988-2000 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
《迴聲慢慢》第13首 周圍是結塊的土; 上方是空蕩蕩的天—— 足以讓你覺得每個毛孔 都應該帶有點意義。 我自己則需要高大的樹林, 太像教堂瞭,透過它們的彩繪 玻璃窗,在聖靈的 呼吸聲下,我承認一個世界。 ——見《R.S.托馬斯晚年詩選》第24頁 《對位》道成肉身之四 男人們去...
評分夢 在夢中 我給那隻鳥 自由。現實中 我告訴它我的夢 在它的籠中。它 於是唱齣金子般的 音符,比我的淚 更滾燙,為我的夢 懲罰它自己。 ——《R.S.托馬斯晚年詩選:1988—2000》,程佳 譯
評分在這個龐大的題目下,我寫下一些不成係統的思索,許多地方不夠準確。但這也並非一篇好讀的雜文,它需要特彆有耐心與寬容心的讀者。 1 我認為不存在一種“私人的認知”。假如對世界的認知意味著“正確的認識”,那麼也就錶明存在一種規則,根據此規則纔有正確與錯誤的區分。規...
評分在這個龐大的題目下,我寫下一些不成係統的思索,許多地方不夠準確。但這也並非一篇好讀的雜文,它需要特彆有耐心與寬容心的讀者。 1 我認為不存在一種“私人的認知”。假如對世界的認知意味著“正確的認識”,那麼也就錶明存在一種規則,根據此規則纔有正確與錯誤的區分。規...
評分《迴聲慢慢》第13首 周圍是結塊的土; 上方是空蕩蕩的天—— 足以讓你覺得每個毛孔 都應該帶有點意義。 我自己則需要高大的樹林, 太像教堂瞭,透過它們的彩繪 玻璃窗,在聖靈的 呼吸聲下,我承認一個世界。 ——見《R.S.托馬斯晚年詩選》第24頁 《對位》道成肉身之四 男人們去...
圖書標籤: 詩歌
@2017-12-04 09:03:35
Collected Later Poems, 1988-2000 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載