The Theory of Moral Sentiments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
第一篇 目标与哲学 人类活动的主要目标是整体的繁荣,其本质是为了种群的进化。思想家选择合宜或者中庸作为人类行为的衡量标准。合宜的完美形式是正义,即制止我们伤害他人;中庸的完美形式是至诚,这是人类行为的道德基础。本书以目标-手段的层级结构作为整本书的基本结构。书...
评分 评分师傅说,娃不笨,就是内涵还需加深。 不喜欢浮躁的状态,虽然经常这样子。年龄越增长越趋向于沉静下来,不再喜欢疯疯癫癫。以前浪费了很多的时间,是个开心的小人儿,但不是一个够聪明,够气质的姑娘。 温总理推荐过两本书《沉思录》、《道德情操论》,近期准备入手来看。需要...
评分一个多月了,终于把《道德情操论》读了一遍,第一遍读,很难有什么深刻的见解,还是要再读几遍。读书笔记很难整理,书的体系本来就非常完整。笔记只能化整为零,将自己读书时候的一些想法罗列一下。 朋友之间的相互同情 “不管同情的原因是什么,或者它是怎样产生的,再也没...
图书标签: 英文原版 政治哲学 外国思想 名著 EconHistory 道德哲学 苏格兰学人 苏格兰
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith's first and in his own mind most important work, outlines his view of proper conduct and the institutions and sentiments that make men virtuous. Here he develops his doctrine of the impartial spectator, whose hypothetical disinterested judgment we must use to distinguish right from wrong in any given situation. We by nature pursue our self-interest, according to Smith. This makes independence or self-command an instinctive good and neutral rules as difficult to craft as they are necessary But society is not held together merely by neutral rules; it is held together by sympathy. Smith argues that we naturally share the emotions and to a certain extent the physical sensations we witness in others. Sharing the sensations of our fellows, we seek to maximize their pleasures and minimize their pains so that we may share in their joys and enjoy their expressions of affection and approval.
评分二刷,还是不轻松,这回在Part. IV & VI停留了很久,摸到了不少从前没摸到的小路。不过主线仍然比想象中的要模糊。
评分self-love, reason还是sentiment能成为道德的奠基?斯密说,是最后一个。在这个意义上,这本书既古典又现代:教化来自于性情的潜移默化(因此不必纠结impartial spectator到底是谁),但如果不进入社会,我们又无法获得真正的道德知识;无所谓客观或不客观的道德,只有是否适宜的、是否让人生厌的。
评分self-love, reason还是sentiment能成为道德的奠基?斯密说,是最后一个。在这个意义上,这本书既古典又现代:教化来自于性情的潜移默化(因此不必纠结impartial spectator到底是谁),但如果不进入社会,我们又无法获得真正的道德知识;无所谓客观或不客观的道德,只有是否适宜的、是否让人生厌的。
The Theory of Moral Sentiments 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书