Steven Pincus received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1990. At Yale he teaches 17th and 18th century British and European history, the history of the early British Empire, and Directed Studies. In addition to research seminars in History, he regularly co-teaches cross disciplinary seminars with faculty in other departments. Recent topics have included the Divergence of Britain, Comparative Revolutions, and Early Modern Empires in Theory and Practice.
He is the author of Protestantism and Patriotism: Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650-1668 and England's Glorious Revolution 1688-89 and most recently 1688:The First Modern Revolution. He has also edited two collections of essays. He has published numerous essays on the economic, cultural, political and intellectual history of early modern Britain and comparative revolutions. In March 2010 he will deliver the Sir John Neale lecture at University College, London.
His research interests include: 17th and 18th century British Political History, the Emergence of Capitalism, the History of Economic Thought, the Origins of the British Empire, the Early Modern Atlantic World, Early Modern Nationalism, comparative revolutions and Political Thought.
At Yale Steve Pincus is a co-organizer of two regular colloquia: Transitions to Modernity and British Historical Studies. He is also chair of Yale’s Council on European Studies. He is a former program chair of the North American Conference on British Studies.
Steve Pincus has supervised doctoral dissertations on a wide range of topics in British and Atlantic commercial, political, intellectual, cultural, and imperial history.
1688 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
原文载于:上海书评(2017年7月) 原文地址: [] 1688-1689年的光荣革命是近代史上最重要的欧洲革命之一。长期以来,在主流历史叙事中,这场革命被认为是一场“和平”的“政治革命”。但是,供职于耶鲁大学的学者平库斯(St...
评分原文载于:上海书评(2017年7月) 原文地址: [] 1688-1689年的光荣革命是近代史上最重要的欧洲革命之一。长期以来,在主流历史叙事中,这场革命被认为是一场“和平”的“政治革命”。但是,供职于耶鲁大学的学者平库斯(St...
评分原文载于:上海书评(2017年7月) 原文地址: [] 1688-1689年的光荣革命是近代史上最重要的欧洲革命之一。长期以来,在主流历史叙事中,这场革命被认为是一场“和平”的“政治革命”。但是,供职于耶鲁大学的学者平库斯(St...
评分原文载于:上海书评(2017年7月) 原文地址: [] 1688-1689年的光荣革命是近代史上最重要的欧洲革命之一。长期以来,在主流历史叙事中,这场革命被认为是一场“和平”的“政治革命”。但是,供职于耶鲁大学的学者平库斯(St...
评分原文载于:上海书评(2017年7月) 原文地址: [] 1688-1689年的光荣革命是近代史上最重要的欧洲革命之一。长期以来,在主流历史叙事中,这场革命被认为是一场“和平”的“政治革命”。但是,供职于耶鲁大学的学者平库斯(St...
图书标签: 英国史 光荣革命 1688 政治史 Pincus 革命 政治 历史
For two hundred years historians have viewed England’s Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689 as an un-revolutionary revolution—bloodless, consensual, aristocratic, and above all, sensible. In this brilliant new interpretation Steve Pincus refutes this traditional view.
By expanding the interpretive lens to include a broader geographical and chronological frame, Pincus demonstrates that England’s revolution was a European event, that it took place over a number of years, not months, and that it had repercussions in India, North America, the West Indies, and throughout continental Europe. His rich historical narrative, based on masses of new archival research, traces the transformation of English foreign policy, religious culture, and political economy that, he argues, was the intended consequence of the revolutionaries of 1688–1689.
James II developed a modernization program that emphasized centralized control, repression of dissidents, and territorial empire. The revolutionaries, by contrast, took advantage of the new economic possibilities to create a bureaucratic but participatory state. The postrevolutionary English state emphasized its ideological break with the past and envisioned itself as continuing to evolve. All of this, argues Pincus, makes the Glorious Revolution—not the French Revolution—the first truly modern revolution. This wide-ranging book reenvisions the nature of the Glorious Revolution and of revolutions in general, the causes and consequences of commercialization, the nature of liberalism, and ultimately the origins and contours of modernity itself.
评分综合辉格派史学解释和修正派史学解释的努力。 第十章尤其值得一读。
评分The discussions on origins of revolutions and chapter on the foundation of Bank of England are worth a read, other parts are perhaps of more interest to historians of the era.
评分The discussions on origins of revolutions and chapter on the foundation of Bank of England are worth a read, other parts are perhaps of more interest to historians of the era.
评分光荣革命的正本清源之作。力纠辉格党叙事之偏宕,以Modernization of State为主线,一手澄清「革命」,另一手描摹「现代」,从而论证光荣革命实为世界范围内第一场现代革命。对于仍沉浸于1688年光荣革命想像的政治宪法学界而言,尤资借鉴。
1688 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书