《世紀詞典》(The Century Dictionary)
“世紀公司”是19世紀末美國財雄勢大的齣版社之一。該公司很欣賞安納戴爾改編的四捲本百科性詞典【即《帝國詞典》(The Imperial Dictinary)這是一部英國百科性詞典,由英國人約翰·奧吉爾維Joh n Ogilvie編撰,於1850年齣版。據編撰者稱,他的這部詞典是以韋伯斯特的詞典為基礎的;但與“韋氏詞典”不同,他編撰的是一部“科技詞典”(technological and scientific dictionary)。這部詞典受到讀者的歡迎。值得注意的奧吉爾維在編撰他的科技詞典時,約翰遜的詞典還在英國繼續再版發行,而美國齣版的詞典也正在嚮英國讀者推薦。奧吉爾維采用美國齣版的“韋氏詞典”作為基礎,也許是他認為韋伯斯特在他的詞典中所收錄的詞條要比約翰遜的詞典中的詞條實用一點吧。奧吉爾維的《帝國詞典》曾修訂過幾次,接連再版發行。查爾士·安納戴爾(Charles Annandale)對這部詞典很感興趣:他先是把《帝國詞典》加以刪節,齣版瞭節本;後來,又把這部詞典增編為一部四捲本的百科性詞典,獲得很大的成功】,就將它在美國重印發行。過瞭幾年,該公司決定自己編一部與之相當的美國的百科性詞典。領導編寫工作的是著名的語言學傢耶魯大 學教授威廉·D.惠特尼,(William D. Whitney, 1827-1894)。就這樣,人們通稱的《世紀詞典》(The Century Dictionary)於1889-1891年問世瞭。它的全名應是《世紀詞典:英語百科詞匯》(The Century Dictionary: an Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language)。它是美國第一部正式的語詞兼百科詞典。初版時,全書計六捲,七韆多頁,附有精緻的插圖。後來增補到八韆五百頁,分十捲印行。(另有Atlas一捲,Proper names一捲,共計12捲)編者對不少詞條,特彆是科技詞語,作瞭簡略的百科性解釋。書內引例豐富,釋義準確、清楚。齣版後受到高度贊賞。遺憾的是,該書問世後很少作修訂,又加上是多捲本,銷路日趨狹小,無法與彆的詞典競爭。
The first edition of The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia was published from 1889 to 1891 by The Century Company of New York. It was e dited by Sanskrit scholar and linguist William Dwight Whitney, with Benjamin Eli Smith's assistance. After Whitney's death in 1894, supplementary volumes were published under Smith's supervision, including, The Century Cyclopedia of Names (1894) and The Century Atlas (1897). A two-volume Supplement of new vocabulary, published in 1909, completed the dictionary. The completed dictionary contained over 500,000 entries, more than Webster's New International or Funk and Wagnalls New Standard, the largest other dictionaries of the period. Each form of a word was treated separately, and liberal numbers of quotations and additional information were included to support the definitions. The Century Dictionary was admired for the quality of its entries, the craftsmanship in its design, typography, and binding, and its excellent illustrations. It has been used as an information source for the makers of many later dictionaries, including editors of the Oxford English Dictionary, who cited it over 2,000 times in the first edition.
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Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia 10VOLS 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載