毕飞宇,男,1964年生于江苏兴化,1987年毕业于扬州师范学院中文系,从教五年。著有中短篇小说近百篇。主要著作有小说集《慌乱的指头》、《祖宗》等。现供职于《南京日报》。 近年来毕飞宇得奖众多,其中有:首届鲁迅文学奖短篇小说奖(《哺乳期的女人》)。 冯牧文学奖(奖励作家)三届小说月报奖(《哺乳期的女人》《青衣》《玉米》两届小说选刊奖(《青衣》《玉米》)首届中国小说学会奖(奖励作家《青衣》《玉米》)。毕飞宇说:《玉米》是他的最爱,是他为年青一代人写的,他希望他们喜欢。
Three Sisters 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
显然,在男人的想象中,女人对权力的攫取,所依靠的只有身体。而也正因为如此,男人才更显弱势。在第一部《玉米》中,玉米父亲王连方利用权力睡遍村里的女人,而后还是女人致使其失去了权力,显示了某种吊诡的意味。 玉米之所以成为玉米,是因为有敌人的存在。她的敌人包括玉秀...
评分读毕飞宇的《玉米》,想起幼年从大人们闲聊时听来的乡野大杂烩。 很多看似不可思议的故事,都是真实。甚至,真实更加荒诞。 比如,一个村子都是同姓,一两户外姓的女儿便很危险。许多小伙子都暗地里轻薄作贱她们。 比如,一家子穷,却有四个儿子,没有财力娶四房儿媳...
评分故事从生子开始。 第八胎生得儿子,母亲施桂芳的任务结束,故事正式交接。“玉米”“玉秀”“玉秧”,三个相对独立的中篇互相咬合,1971与1982,毕飞宇说,“如果我的创作遗漏了1971,我将不能够原谅我自己”。 同《丰乳肥臀》类似,一样开始于第八个儿子,一样关于让人匪夷所...
评分去年,在《名作欣赏》读完了《玉米》。感觉不错,今年买过《玉米》,里面的《玉秀》、《玉秧》气场一部比一部弱,能量级一部比一部低,味同嚼蜡。 《玉米》是三部中篇唯一可看的小说。正如鲁迅评价《红楼梦》,道家看见淫、才子家人看见缠绵……等等,读完《玉米》我只看见权谋...
图书标签: 小说 葛浩文 翻译 毕飞宇 中国文学 中国大陆文学 Madelyn
In a small village in China, the Wang family has produced seven sisters in its quest to have a boy; three of the sisters emerge as the lead characters in this remarkable novel. From the small-town treachery of the village to the slogans of the Cultural Revolution to the harried pace of 1980s Beijing, Bi Feiyu follows the women as they strive to change the course of their destinies and battle against an "infinite ocean of people" in a China that does not truly belong to them. Yumi will use her dignity, Yuxiu her powers of seduction, and Yuyang her ambition--all in an effort to take control of their world, their bodies, and their lives. Like Dai Sijie's "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress," "Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha," and J. G. Ballard's "Empire of the Sun," "Three Sisters" transports us to and immerses us in a culture we think we know but will understand much more fully by the time we reach the end. Bi's "Moon Opera" was praised by the "Los Angeles Times," the "Minneapolis Star Tribune," and other publications. In one review Lisa See said: "I hope this is the first of many of Bi's works to come to us." "Three Sisters" fulfills that wish, with its irreplaceable portrait of contemporary Chinese life and indelible story of its three tragic and sometimes triumphant heroines.
评分Despite the fact that this translated version by the famous translator and his wife has won Bi Feiyu an international title, such a qualified piece is still not without flaws. Luckily enough, some genius rearrangement and creation based on thorough understanding of the original work has helped demonstrate the very essence of an ambitious writer.
评分Despite the fact that this translated version by the famous translator and his wife has won Bi Feiyu an international title, such a qualified piece is still not without flaws. Luckily enough, some genius rearrangement and creation based on thorough understanding of the original work has helped demonstrate the very essence of an ambitious writer.
Three Sisters 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书