罗贝托·波拉尼奥(Roberto Bolaño,1953—2003)出生于智利,父亲是卡车司机和业余拳击手,母亲在学校教授数学和统计学。1968年全家移居墨西哥。1973年波拉尼奥再次回到智利投身社会主义革命却遭到逮捕,差点被杀害。逃回墨西哥后他和好友推动了融合超现实主义、达达主义以及街头剧场的“现实以下主义”(Infrarealism)运动,意图激发拉丁美洲年轻人对生活与文学的热爱。1977年他前往欧洲,最后在西班牙波拉瓦海岸结婚定居。2003年因为肝脏功能损坏,等不到器官移植而在巴塞罗那去世,年仅五十岁。
Nazi Literature in the Americas 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分用飞机写诗那篇不错,但拉丁文部分完全是瞎翻译;译者,请你直视读者的眼睛,再说一遍: 你是怎么把[igitur perfecti sunt coeli et terra et omnis ornatus eorum]译成[天堂里的一切像大地一样完美]的? 你是怎么把[...haec vocabitur virago quoniam de viro sumpta est]译成...
评分“为什么中国没人成为波拉尼奥这样的流亡者啊?” “因为西语区多啊,难道你想流亡去新加坡?” “我的意识是……北岛出去之后写作也没有长进嘛…” 这是朋友看了《美洲纳粹文学》之后的吐槽。而我至今没有看《2666》,没有看《荒野侦探》,甚至连《护身符》这样短小的一本...
评分不太了解拉美文学的人, 很容易就会把波拉尼奥的《美洲纳粹文学》当作是一部文学名人辞典,或是一部用小说写法写成的非虚构散文。 但是随着各种怪诞故事,奇葩诗人的登场,慢慢发现,书中的作家几乎很少活过五十几岁,大都横死,很多涉嫌凶杀绑架,蹲过监狱,参与过政变,总之...
评分事实证明,哪个作家要是被媒体捧起来,特别是被冠以20世纪末最伟大的作家,顺便他的身世经历还有点神秘感和传奇性,那他的书不卖是不可能的,价格不突突突往上蹭更是不可能的,而且最扯的是,他真的如宣传的一样牛。 亚马逊把手残多点了一下的2本《美洲纳粹文学》送到家门口...
图书标签: 小说 波拉尼奥 Roberto-Bolaño 文学 拉美文学 拉美 要读 英文
Nazi Literature in the Americas was the first of Roberto Bolano's books to reach a wide public. When it was published by Seix Barral in 1996, critics in Spain were quick to recognize the arrival of an important new talent. The book presents itself as a biographical dictionary of American writers who flirted with or espoused extreme right-wing ideologies in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It is a tour de force of black humor and imaginary erudition. Nazi Literature in the Americas is composed of short biographies, including descriptions of the writers' works, plus an epilogue ("for Monsters"), which includes even briefer biographies of persons mentioned in passing. All of the writers are imaginary, although they are all carefully and credibly situated in real literary worlds. Ernesto Perez Mason, for example, in the sample included here, is an imaginary member of the real Origenes group in Cuba, and his farcical clashes with Jose Lezama Lima recall stories about the spats between Lezama Lima and Virgilio Pinera, as recounted in Guillermo Cabrera Infante's Mea Cuba. The origins of the imaginary writers are diverse. Authors from twelve different countries are included. The countries with the most representatives are Argentina (8) and the USA (7).
Nazi Literature in the Americas 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书