Sign and the Seal 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
{前言|传说} 没有写过论文,观后感和读后感倒是写过不少。本想挑战一下自己,但是各种学生会社团工作给了我“堕落”的机会。好吧,我真的失败了。 言归正传,《失落的约柜》这本书我从高二还是高三开始看,一直看到现在。那并不是一本生涩的书,但若是没有很好的犹太教与基督教...
评分如果有一个作者原意花十年的时间写一本书,当然我没有理由拒绝读它。 在希伯来人的圣经里,约柜是用来盛放上帝的诫版的;也就是说它是上帝存在的直接证据。摩西依靠着这个约柜,艰难地带领着以色列人回到他们的故土——那流着奶与蜜的迦南地。 然而,当以色列人经历过了所罗...
The fact of the Lost Ark of the Covenant is one of the grant historical mysteries of all time. To believers, the Ark is the legendary vesel holding the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Bible contains hundreds of references to the Ark's power to level mountains, destroy armies, and lay waste to cities. The Ark itself, however, mysteriously disappears from recorded history sometime after the building of the Temple of Solomon. After ten years of searching through the dusty archives of Europe and the Middle East, as well as braving the real-life dangers of a bloody civil war in Ethiopia, Graham Hancock has succeeded where scores of others have failed. This intrepid journalist has tracked down the true story behind the myths and legends -- revealing where the Ark is today, how it got there, and why it remains hidden. Part fascinating scholarship and part entertaining adventure yarn, tying together some of the most intriguing tales of all time -- from the Knights Templar and Prester John to Parsival and the Holy Grail -- this book will appeal to anyone fascinated by the revelation of hidden truths, the discovery of secret mysteries.
Sign and the Seal 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书