It's aliens vs. mutants as the Skrull Invasion hits the West Coast X-Scribe Mike Carey and super-hot artist Cary Nord (Ultimate Human) bring you a story that will shock X-Fans and have everyone talking for years to come. The Skrulls don't expect the X-Men when they hit San Francisco, but don't think they don't have something very special prepared for Cyclops and his army when they find them at their new home. Collects Secret Invasion: X-Men #1-4.
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圖書標籤: Marvel 美漫 美國 漫畫 =Marvel
評分西海岸的事情遠沒有東海岸刺激。前期的舊金山遊擊戰冗長無趣,直到最後一話故事纔入佳境。理想主義的科學傢做瞭一場人性實驗,得到瞭不想要卻意料之中的結果。政客選擇瞭違背道義但無可厚非的最佳答案,既然有人改變瞭規則,那對無辜者舉起的屠刀也變成瞭咎由自取。 一切爭議的源頭正是因為真實,“正直”英雄主義隻存於幻想,世界本不是非黑即白的,就像幾十年前在廣島長崎上空投下的原子彈,少有人會指責它沾滿瞭平民的鮮血。 喜歡這個設計,不過畫風像是在夢遊。
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