Looking for a reliable way to learn how to program on your own, without being overwhelmed by confusing concepts? "Head First Programming" introduces the core concepts of writing computer programs - variables, decisions, loops, functions, and objects - which apply regardless of the programming language. This book offers concrete examples and exercises in the dynamic and versatile Python language to demonstrate and reinforce these concepts. You can learn the basic tools to start writing the programs that interest you, and get a better understanding of what software can (and cannot) do. When you're finished, you'll have the necessary foundation to learn any programming language or tackle any software project you choose. With a focus on programming concepts, this book teaches you how to: understand the core features of all programming languages, including variables, statements, decisions, loops, expressions, and operators; reuse code with functions; use library code to save time and effort; select the best data structure to manage complex data; write programs that talk to the Web; share your data with other programs; and, write programs that test themselves and help you avoid embarrassing coding errors. We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, "Head First Programming" uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.
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我是零零零基礎學編程。 早上在傢裏的電腦上Python沒有安裝成功。上午在辦公室的電腦上安裝成功瞭。撒花! 彆人學會寫的第一句話都是hello world,我學的是Welcome!Guess the number。:) 現在很希望可以有整天的時間專門學下去,而且既興奮又期待。我已經太久沒有這種感覺瞭...
評分從去年開始就對python感興趣瞭,可是看著網絡上的簡明教程各種無奈,不是這些教程不好,而是個人沒有任何基礎,偏偏寫教程的人默認瞭你已經知道最基礎的事,結果照著教程連開頭都無法順利進行,非常打擊學習的信心。 相比之下,這本書是我見過的最照顧初學者的教程瞭,完全為...
評分不要把head first 係列叢書當成入門書籍或高大全補藥使用,其本身精髓在於這句話,This is a learning experience, not a reference book. 包括這本書,它負責傳遞更接近實際問題的解決方法或思路,技術的嫻熟不外乎經驗,傳遞經驗的書籍實屬難能可貴。
評分這本書可以說是最能體現Head First風格的一本書瞭(對已經編程入門的人來說含金量不高)。在這本書中,介紹瞭Python的語法、類庫並抽象齣編程中的常見概念,並且通過各種小應用和有趣的圖片和文字風格使得全書內容活潑生動。 這本書還是非常符閤標題的,當然如果在標題上加上“...
評分我是零零零基礎學編程。 早上在傢裏的電腦上Python沒有安裝成功。上午在辦公室的電腦上安裝成功瞭。撒花! 彆人學會寫的第一句話都是hello world,我學的是Welcome!Guess the number。:) 現在很希望可以有整天的時間專門學下去,而且既興奮又期待。我已經太久沒有這種感覺瞭...
圖書標籤: python HeadFirst 編程入門 Programming 計算機 編程 O'Reilly Python
評分概念說的還行,但是裏麵細節挺含糊的,沒有早期的幾本head first係列水平,裏麵內容換成中式教材風格也就是16開本的10來頁,不值價錢
Head First Programming 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載