Daniel Way, M.D., began taking pictures at the age of eleven and had already developed a passion for the art long before beginning his career in family medicine for the Hudson Headwaters Health Network, which serves the entire southeastern Adirondacks.
The Merc with a Mouth is back, even deadlier and more deranged than before The planet has been invaded by Skrulls, everything's gone topsy-turvy... but, in Deadpool's world, that just means it's Monday Crazy times call for crazy men, but c'mon, this guy's insane Like it or not, Deadpool may be the only person on the planet who can save us... but who's to say he wants to? An explosive debut story by writer Daniel Way (Wolverine: Origins, Ghost Rider, Bullseye: Greatest Hits) and fan-favorite artist Paco Medina (New Warriors, New X-Men) Deadpool: His madness is his method You won't want to miss it Collects Deadpool #1-5.
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“韋德.威爾遜。不過多數人都管我叫死侍:用嘴的傭兵。” “我可以叫你賤賤嗎?” 上周看瞭兩本很有意思的美漫: 《終極蜘蛛俠1》和《死侍1:秘密入侵》,都是漫威世界不遑多讓的著名嘴炮。 死侍,著名的反英雄式人物。是一名雇傭兵,原名韋德•威爾遜(Wade Wilson),1991...
評分那些官方贊美般的語言還是打住吧,我給你們來點辛辣的 我也喜歡賤賤,但這本書太薄,畫風見仁見智,故事不痛不癢(剛開始就已經結束瞭)世圖會不會繼續引進第二本都是個問題,如果你是賤賤的鐵粉,買就行瞭,如果不是,想嘗嘗鮮?算瞭吧!就世圖這個操性,你明年能看到2都是長...
評分副標設計精巧 故事綫獨立新人快跳坑 不得不說稱道的是,該閤訂本設計得十分巧妙:擇選瞭漫畫中的五話,形成瞭劇情連續的兩個獨立故事,主題而又套用瞭一個關鍵詞,也就是副標題“秘密入侵”,據群裏漫友說2009美國原版就是如此,好點子點個贊。 在翻開《死侍1》...
評分那些官方贊美般的語言還是打住吧,我給你們來點辛辣的 我也喜歡賤賤,但這本書太薄,畫風見仁見智,故事不痛不癢(剛開始就已經結束瞭)世圖會不會繼續引進第二本都是個問題,如果你是賤賤的鐵粉,買就行瞭,如果不是,想嘗嘗鮮?算瞭吧!就世圖這個操性,你明年能看到2都是長...
評分副標設計精巧 故事綫獨立新人快跳坑 不得不說稱道的是,該閤訂本設計得十分巧妙:擇選瞭漫畫中的五話,形成瞭劇情連續的兩個獨立故事,主題而又套用瞭一個關鍵詞,也就是副標題“秘密入侵”,據群裏漫友說2009美國原版就是如此,好點子點個贊。 在翻開《死侍1》...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 Marvel MARVEL 美國 科幻 まんが
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