Julie Steele、Noah Iliinsky等編。
Visualization is the graphic presentation of data -- portrayals meant to reveal complex information at a glance. Think of the familiar map of the New York City subway system, or a diagram of the human brain. Successful visualizations are beautiful not only for their aesthetic design, but also for elegant layers of detail that efficiently generate insight and new understanding.
This book examines the methods of two dozen visualization experts who approach their projects from a variety of perspectives -- as artists, designers, commentators, scientists, analysts, statisticians, and more. Together they demonstrate how visualization can help us make sense of the world.
Explore the importance of storytelling with a simple visualization exercise
Learn how color conveys information that our brains recognize before we're fully aware of it
Discover how the books we buy and the people we associate with reveal clues to our deeper selves
Recognize a method to the madness of air travel with a visualization of civilian air traffic
Find out how researchers investigate unknown phenomena, from initial sketches to published papers
Contributors include:
Nick Bilton, Michael E. Driscoll, Jonathan Feinberg, Danyel Fisher, Jessica Hagy, Gregor Hochmuth, Todd Holloway, Noah Iliinsky, Eddie Jabbour, Valdean Klump, Aaron Koblin, Robert Kosara, Valdis Krebs, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin et al., Andrew Odewahn, Adam Perer, Anders Persson, Maximilian Schich, Matthias Shapiro, Julie Steele, Moritz Stefaner, Jer Thorp, Fernanda Viegas, Martin Wattenberg, and Michael Young.
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評分 評分數據一大堆,不知怎麼用,進入數據可視化的專業平颱,讓專業人士為你排憂解難,從無到有,從不懂到精通,盡在數據視界:www.datashow.com.cn 是不是對文獻裏的各種高大上的圖羨慕嫉妒恨?是不是對著雜亂的結果無從美圖秀秀,no problem,let's DIY,在www.datashow.com.cn,...
評分《數據可視化之美》收錄瞭不同作者所寫的二十篇短文,從不同的角度介紹瞭可視化的一些知識,這二十篇短文有的寫的不錯,很有啓發性,有的就不敢恭維瞭。我比較推薦閱讀的是這幾篇: 第1章,論美 從美和實用的角度闡述瞭可視化的目標,可看作是本書內容的總覽。 第3章,Wordle ...
圖書標籤: 數據可視化 visualization 可視化 可視化數據 數據挖掘 Visualization 英文原版 設計
評分intriguing lecture on how to better display your thoughts with data
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