羅伯特•艾倫(Robert C. Allen),牛津大學經濟史教授,兼納菲爾德學院(Nuffield College)客座研究員,著有《圈地運動與自耕農:梅德蘭南部地區農業發展史(1450—1850)》(Enclosure and the Yeoman: The Agricultural Development of the South Midlands, 1450–1850),《從農場到工廠:蘇聯工業革命的再闡釋》(Farm to Factory: A Re-interpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution),兩書先後於1992年和2003年齣版,均榮獲(英國)經濟史學會頒發的蘭凱奬(Ranki Prize)。
Why did the industrial revolution take place in eighteenth-century Britain and not elsewhere in Europe or Asia? In this convincing new account Robert Allen argues that the British industrial revolution was a successful response to the global economy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He shows that in Britain wages were high and capital and energy cheap in comparison to other countries in Europe and Asia. As a result, the breakthrough technologies of the industrial revolution - the steam engine, the cotton mill, and the substitution of coal for wood in metal production - were uniquely profitable to invent and use in Britain. The high wage economy of pre-industrial Britain also fostered industrial development since more people could afford schooling and apprenticeships. It was only when British engineers made these new technologies more cost-effective during the nineteenth century that the industrial revolution would spread around the world.
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評分In the fist half the author pins down three major forces underlying British success: long-haired sheep (due Black Death and British agricultural conditions),cheap coal (and corresponding technologies induced) and the imperial foreign policy (behind urban ec...
評分對於工業革命的起源,又或者說是工業革命為什麼發生在英國,一直是一個熱點研究問題,本書嘗試給齣瞭自己的解答。英國在十八世紀的高工資是其製造業領域發生機械替代人力的主要因素。 本書精彩之處為瞭論證是高工資對於工業革命的影響,對工業革命重大期間重大的發明蒸汽機,紡...
評分第一,傳統觀念認為是先發生瞭農業革命,然後推動瞭工業革命。但英國由於原生工業、國際商貿的繁榮,導緻瞭城市的迅猛擴張,旺盛的城市需求和龐大農業市場形成,刺激瞭農業技術創新以及經營模式改進。農業革命與工業革命之間的因果關係要倒過來。 第二,齣現科學革命,不一定能...
評分英國工業革命是近代史上一樁令人激動不已的偉大事件,在它的推動下,人類跨越瞭現代性的門檻,我們步入瞭一個全新的發展階段。 然而,工業革命的背後始終有兩個巨大的謎:首先,為什麼是在英國,第二,其他國傢為什麼沒能迅速跟進? 對於現代性,最著名的說法來自馬剋斯•...
圖書標籤: 經濟史 曆史 經濟學 英國 英文原版 經濟 歐洲史 工業革命
評分PE Core
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