作者 羅伯特•C.艾倫
序言作者 蕭國亮
Why are some countries rich and others poor? In 1500, the income differences were small, but they have grown dramatically since Columbus reached America. Since then, the interplay between geography, globalization, technological change, and economic policy has determined the wealth and poverty of nations. The industrial revolution was Britain's path breaking response to the challenge of globalization. Western Europe and North America joined Britain to form a club of rich nations by pursuing four polices-creating a national market by abolishing internal tariffs and investing in transportation, erecting an external tariff to protect their fledgling industries from British competition, banks to stabilize the currency and mobilize domestic savings for investment, and mass education to prepare people for industrial work. Together these countries pioneered new technologies that have made them ever richer. Before the Industrial Revolution, most of the world's manufacturing was done in Asia, but industries from Casablanca to Canton were destroyed by western competition in the nineteenth century, and Asia was transformed into 'underdeveloped countries' specializing in agriculture. The spread of economic development has been slow since modern technology was invented to fit the needs of rich countries and is ill adapted to the economic and geographical conditions of poor countries. A few countries - Japan, Soviet Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, and perhaps China - have, nonetheless, caught up with the West through creative responses to the technological challenge and with Big Push industrialization that has achieved rapid growth through investment coordination. Whether other countries can emulate the success of East Asia is a challenge for the future.
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牛津通識讀本:全球經濟史(中文版) [英 國]羅伯特·C.艾倫 第五章 龐大的帝國 標注(黃色) - 位置 772 然而,印度在修建鐵路的過程中錯失瞭一個機會。鐵路是一項巨大的工程,需要多種現代原料,比如鐵軌和機車。大多數國傢在修建鐵路時,都會藉此機會來發展這些産業(有些國...
評分牛津通識讀本:全球經濟史(中文版) [英 國]羅伯特·C.艾倫 第五章 龐大的帝國 標注(黃色) - 位置 772 然而,印度在修建鐵路的過程中錯失瞭一個機會。鐵路是一項巨大的工程,需要多種現代原料,比如鐵軌和機車。大多數國傢在修建鐵路時,都會藉此機會來發展這些産業(有些國...
評分《全球經濟史》中,作者艾倫(Robert C. Allen)逐一分析瞭全球各國的狀況,認為在工業發展以前,人類的貧富差距實際上遠比現在來得要小。自從人類邁入工業化以來,各國之間的工業化進程逐漸顯現瞭差異,西方國傢逐漸居於全球的領先水平。例如,書中指齣,西歐等富裕國傢的人均...
評分牛津通識讀本:全球經濟史(中文版) [英 國]羅伯特·C.艾倫 第五章 龐大的帝國 標注(黃色) - 位置 772 然而,印度在修建鐵路的過程中錯失瞭一個機會。鐵路是一項巨大的工程,需要多種現代原料,比如鐵軌和機車。大多數國傢在修建鐵路時,都會藉此機會來發展這些産業(有些國...
圖書標籤: 經濟史 經濟 曆史 經濟學 英文 Oxford English VSI
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