譯者桂裕芳(1930- ),湖北武漢人。北京大學法語係教授,著名翻譯傢。獲法國教育部頒發的教育勛章。譯著主要有:普魯斯特《追憶似水年華》(第二捲)、雨果《九三年》、薩特《嘔吐》、布托《變》、莫裏亞剋《愛的荒漠》等。
"Strait is the Gate," first published in 1909 in France as "La Porte etroite," is a novel about the failure of love in the face of the narrowness of the moral philosophy of Protestantism. --- Andr Gide (1869 - 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1947. Gide's career spanned from the symbolist movement to the advent of anticolonialism in between the two World Wars. Gide's work can be seen as an investigation of freedom and empowerment in the face of moralistic and puritan constraints, and gravitates around his continuous effort to achieve intellectual honesty. His self-exploratory texts reflect his search of how to be fully oneself, without at the same time betraying one's values... --- "For Gide was very different from the picture most people had of him. He was the very reverse of an aesthete, and, as a writer, had nothing in common with the doctrine of art for art's sake. He was a man deeply involved in a specific struggle, a specific fight, who never wrote a line which he did not think was of service to the cause he had at heart." (Francois Mauriac)
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法國文學有個特點,總是在探尋“幸福到底是什麼”。比如普魯斯特窮盡一生得齣結論“幸福就是點點滴滴的迴憶”。 法國作傢紀德筆下的文學作品是完全對立與分裂的,不過兩條截然不同的道路最後還是通嚮瞭一個頂點——幸福。 《背德者》《窄門》《田園交響麯》是法國作...
評分用多久去忘記一段愛情纔是正確的? 一生的時間是太長還是太短?對於碌碌無為的人來說或許一生的時間太漫長,可是對於永恒來說一生又是那麼渺小。你用多久去忘記它,隻是在於你所追求的愛情是什麼樣子。 如果說通嚮永恒的窄門隻允許一人經過,那麼有多少人願意捨棄生命選擇和相...
評分《窄門》是一本傷感的書,從頭至尾都是傷感,少孤早獨的熱羅姆和母親與人私奔的錶姐阿麗莎,自幼青梅竹馬,隨著年齡的增加,感情愈發深厚,但,最終卻不能結閤。 “你們要努力進窄門”《路德福音》裏的一句話,錶達著宗教信仰裏的嚴肅性、認真性和艱辛性。但,這句話卻使...
評分《窄門》是一本傷感的書,從頭至尾都是傷感,少孤早獨的熱羅姆和母親與人私奔的錶姐阿麗莎,自幼青梅竹馬,隨著年齡的增加,感情愈發深厚,但,最終卻不能結閤。 “你們要努力進窄門”《路德福音》裏的一句話,錶達著宗教信仰裏的嚴肅性、認真性和艱辛性。但,這句話卻使...
評分彆提哪些高深莫測的字眼瞭 放在現在,就是倆一見鍾情之後網戀失敗的故事 故事很平淡,是老一套的那種平鋪直敘然後最後十頁拿齣猛料摧毀讀者小心靈的路子 基本上第一百頁達到準高潮,最後一頁升之巔峰 巔峰在哪裏? 不是主人公的傷感痛苦什麼的,也不是什麼...
圖書標籤: 小說 relations human
評分“What are you waiting for to marry?" "To have forgotten a great many things" "Which are you hoping to forget soon?" "Which I do not hope ever to forget." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening came slowly up like a grey tide, reaching and flooding each object which seemed to come to life again in the gloom and repeat in a whisper the story of its past. 讀完瞭,我好壓抑,雖然英譯本的語言很齣彩。
評分“What are you waiting for to marry?" "To have forgotten a great many things" "Which are you hoping to forget soon?" "Which I do not hope ever to forget." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening came slowly up like a grey tide, reaching and flooding each object which seemed to come to life again in the gloom and repeat in a whisper the story of its past. 讀完瞭,我好壓抑,雖然英譯本的語言很齣彩。
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