克里斯托夫·科赫(Christof Koch)为美国加州理工学院认知和行为生物学教授,从事计算生物物理以及视知觉、注意和意识的神经基础研究。他是DNA双螺旋结构发现者之一和1962年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主弗朗西斯·克里克(F.Crick)的主要合作者,共同开拓了对意识的科学研究。
The Quest for Consciousness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
01 人类认识世界和缓慢而艰难的。 有形的世界再难,随着现代科技的发展,也已经有了很多可以暂时倚赖的公理,以及一整套的科学方法,和工具。 虽然所有的一切都是建立在一种基于对过去的经验基础上的不言而喻的真理。 然而,对心智,尤其是意识的探索,就要艰难得多。 首先,用...
评分 评分 评分国内搞科普就是赔本赚吆喝。翻译基本凭良心。 这个翻译前前后后搞了快两年。本来想再搞得精炼些,但出版社已经不给时间了,有些语句可能还是不够洗练。 不过至少在准确性上,我们还是很有信心的。希望大家读得开心。
图书标签: 脑与认知 神经科学 心理学 科学 科普 f心哲 神经科学List consciousness
Consciousness is one of science's last great unsolved mysteries. How can the salty taste and crunchy texture of potato chips, the unmistakable smell of dogs after they have been in the rain, or the exhilarating feeling of hanging on tiny fingerholds many feet above the last secure foothold on a cliff, emerge from networks of neurons and their associated synaptic and molecular processes? In The Quest for Consciousness, Caltech neuroscientist Christof Koch explores the biological basis of the subjective mind in animals and people. He outlines a framework that he and Francis Crick (of the 'double helix') have constructed to come to grips with the ancient mind-body problem. At the heart of their framework is a sustained, empirical approach to discovering and characterising the neuronal correlates of consciousness - the NCC - the subtle, flickering patterns of brain activity that underlie each and every conscious experience.
Foreword by Francis Crick
Introduction to the study of consciousness
Neurons, the atoms of perception
The first steps in seeing
The primary visual cortex as a prototypical neocortical area
What are the neuronal correlates of consciousness?
The neuronal correlates of consciousness are not in the primary visual cortex
The architecture of the cerebral cortex
Going beyond the primary visual cortex
Attention and consciousness
The neuronal underpinnings of attention
Memories and consciousness
What you can do without being conscious: The zombie within
Agnosia, blindsight, epilepsy, and sleep-walking: clinical evidence for zombie agents
Some speculations on the functions of consciousness
On time and consciousness
When the mind flips: following the footprints of consciousness
Splitting the brain splits consciousness
Further speculations on thoughts and the unconscious homunculus
A framework for consciousness
An interview
The Quest for Consciousness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书