西濛·濛蒂菲奧裏(Simon Sebag Montefiore)
《耶路撒冷三韆年》(Jerusalem: The Biography)
《大人物的世界史》(Titans of History)
《青年斯大林》(Young Stalin)
Stalin remains one of the creators of our world - like Hitler, the personification of evil. Yet Stalin hid his past and remains mysterious. This enthralling biography that reads like a thriller finally unveils the secret but extraordinary journey of the Georgian cobbler's son who became the Red Tsar. What forms such a merciless psychopath and consummate politician? Was he illegitimate? Did he owe everything to his mother - was she whore or saint? Was he a Tsarist agent or Lenin's chief gangster? Was he to blame for his wife's premature death? If he really missed the 1917 Revolution, how did he emerge so powerful? Born in poverty, exceptional in his studies, this charismatic but dangerous boy was hailed as a romantic poet, trained as a priest, but found his mission as fanatical revolutionary. The secret world of Joseph Conrad-style terrorism was Stalin's natural habitat, where he charmed his future courtiers, made the enemies he later liquidated, and abandoned his many mistresses and children. Montefiore shows how the murderous paranoia and gangsterism of the criminal underworld, combined with pitiless ideology, taught Stalin how to triumph in the Kremlin.
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評分——評《青年斯大林》 文/驀煙如雪 斯大林是前蘇聯的政治傢,作為蘇聯執政時間最長的最高領導人,他必然有其可取和不可取的地方,比如他協助列寜領導瞭十月革命,十月革命後進行瞭反侵略的保衛戰爭,在列寜去世後,領導瞭蘇聯社會主義建設的探索,走齣瞭高度集中的政治經濟體製...
評分如果能預言自己的命運,我們會不會換種方式生活?如果總是趟進同一條河流,是當檢視自身還是改變環境?青年斯大林即是這樣一個預言瞭自己命運的人,然而,他有絕對的自信選擇置之不理。 史學傢西濛·濛蒂菲奧裏認為,“真正評價瞭斯大林的正是青年斯大林本人”。他曆時十年創作...
評分圖書標籤: 傳記 曆史 俄羅斯 人物 斯大林 蘇聯研究 stalin simon
細節多到令人發指。fucking genius
評分stalin年輕的時候真美貌啊 就是讀起來高潮不能
評分stalin年輕的時候真美貌啊 就是讀起來高潮不能
評分stalin年輕的時候真美貌啊 就是讀起來高潮不能
Young Stalin 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載