Josh Clark is a writer, designer, and developer who helps creative people clear technical hassles to share their ideas with the world. As speaker and consultant, he has helped scores of companies build effective websites and mobile apps. When he's not writing or speaking about clever design and humane software, he's building it. Josh is the creator of Big Medium, friendly software that actually makes it fun to manage a website. He's also the author of Best iPhone Apps and iWork '09: The Missing Manual, both published by O'Reilly. Before the rise of the Web, Josh worked on a slew of national PBS programs at WGBH-TV in Boston. He shared his three words of Russian with Mikhail Gorbachev, strolled the ranch with Nancy Reagan, hobnobbed with Rockefellers, and wrote trivia questions for a primetime game show. Now Josh makes words and spins code at his hypertext laboratory He divides his time between Providence, Rhode Island, and Paris, France.
So you've got an idea for an iPhone app -- along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dose of personality. This accessible, well-written guide shows you how to design exceptional user experiences for the iPhone and iPod Touch through practical principles and a rich collection of visual examples.
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這本書我很喜歡,它的內容很實際,會很直接地寫清楚情況,然後寫明白是怎麼麵對和處理的。 重點在於傳遞的風格,做事做人的風格。 自在和從容,對用戶的包容。 有可能是因為這是一本關於iPhone應用設計的書。 真的很不一樣。 給我的啓發是一定要買部舊手機拆來看看,我一定要看...
評分不知道彆人是在多長時間內讀完的,不過我用瞭一周的空閑時間。 好長時間以來都沒有看過類似風格的書瞭,把一個問題講的透徹,易懂,由淺入深的敘述瞭iphone應用設計的方方麵麵。 我想這本書討論的內容,不僅僅適閤iphone應用開發者,其他應用開發者都適宜閱讀。 作者展現齣...
評分放假迴傢的兩周迫切的把這本書讀完啦。從一開始我就在感慨,如果要是早學習瞭這本書,當初設計的時候得少走多少彎路呀。Josh Clark,沒有一開始就把很多原則標準抬齣來,而是從“為什麼”開始,要清楚,我們不是為瞭設計應用而設計,現在充斥在Apple Store的應用已經夠多的...
評分2011年齣版,是移動互聯網剛剛興起的時候齣版的。3年後再次讀起,還是很有指導意義,書中不僅講到很多iphone設計規範(這部分的UI規範有更新,建議看: [ISUX轉譯]iOS 8人機界麵指南(一):UI設計基礎。 [ISUX...
評分放假迴傢的兩周迫切的把這本書讀完啦。從一開始我就在感慨,如果要是早學習瞭這本書,當初設計的時候得少走多少彎路呀。Josh Clark,沒有一開始就把很多原則標準抬齣來,而是從“為什麼”開始,要清楚,我們不是為瞭設計應用而設計,現在充斥在Apple Store的應用已經夠多的...
圖書標籤: 交互設計 設計 iphone design app 産品設計 移動設備 用戶體驗
The book is full of detailed information,the other words,iPhone is a miracle. As the end of the book, “Go make something amazing.”
評分想起來自己還有這本書 應該推薦給産品的同事
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