艾萨克•阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov (1920 ~1992)
阿西莫夫创作力丰沛,一生之中著作近500 本,涉及杜威图书分类法的每一个范畴,涵盖人类生活的每一个层面,上天下海、古往今来、从恐龙到亚原子到全宇宙无所不包,从通俗小说到罗马帝国史,从科普读物到远东千年历史,从圣经指南,到科学指南,到两性生活指南,每一部著作都朴实、严谨而又充满幽默风趣的格调。
The End of Eternity 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
http://www.bookqi.com/yonghengdezhongjie/4682.html: 永恒的终结|读后感书评——这本书写给戈尔德 To Horace L.Gold ,阿西莫夫在献词中写道,Horace L.Gold何许人也。 霍勒斯·戈尔德Horace Leonard Gold,科幻小说作家,杂志编辑。代表作品有《组合人》。他比阿...
评分To Horace L.Gold ,阿西莫夫在献词中写道,Horace L.Gold何许人也。 霍勒斯·戈尔德Horace Leonard Gold,科幻小说作家,杂志编辑。代表作品有《组合人》。他比阿西莫夫大6岁,1914年生于加拿大,金牛座。 两人年幼时的经历相似。阿西莫夫是美籍俄裔犹太人,1920年出生在彼...
评分这年头有多少以时间旅行为卖点的作品,恐怕大家也有所审美疲劳,更别说烂大街的所谓穿越小说,无理取闹的时间旅行真是令人愤慨。 时间旅行有个很基本的问题就是祖父悖论,任何以时间旅行为构想的小说,必须能够解释、消弭这个悖论,以达到逻辑的融洽。几十年来,大多数作品与...
评分图书标签: 科幻 阿西莫夫 科幻小说 sci-fi 英文原版 美国 时空旅行 文学
One of Isaac Asimov's SF masterpieces, this stand-alone novel is a monument of the flowering of SF in the twentieth century. It is widely regarded as Asimov's single best SF novel. Andrew Harlan is an Eternal, a member of the elite of the future. One of the few who live in Eternity, a location outside of place and time, Harlan's job is to create carefully controlled and enacted Reality Changes. These Changes are small, exactingly calculated shifts in the course of history, made for the benefit of humankind. Though each Change has been made for the greater good, there are also always costs. During one of his assignments, Harlan meets and falls in love with Noand#255;s Lambent, a woman who lives in real time and space. Then Harlan learns that Noand#255;s will cease to exist after the next Change, and he risks everything to sneak her into Eternity. Unfortunately, they are caught. Harlan's punishment? His next assignment: Kill the woman he loves before the paradox they have created results in the destruction of Eternity.
The End of Eternity 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书