Liu Heng is one of contemporary China's most acclaimed and masterful writers, and with Green River Daydreams he has written "of the struggle between Western ideas and the old political system, all of it set against a supplely portrayed mountain and river landscape" (NPR's All Things Considered). Ears, the slave of a wealthy landowning family in the early twentieth century, bears witness to its spectacular corruption and decline. The family's prodigal son, Guanghan, returns from four years of study in Europe with a French engineer friend and a dream of starting a collectively run match factory, but has little interest in the bride his family has arranged for him. Her beauty and good heart have not gone unnoticed by Ears, however -- nor has her growing closeness to the Frenchman. Meanwhile, clashes between the Qing imperialists and the resistance are quickly becoming bloody -- and Guanghan's iconoclastic ideas do not remain free of suspicion for long. "[B]oth a coming-of-age story and a chronicle of the clash between forbidden love and duty." -- Publishers Weekly "A richly detailed realistic saga" -- Kirkus Reviews "A masterly blending of character and story in a compelling historical setting.... Highly recommended." -- Tom Cooper, Library Journal (starred review)
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看完整本書吧,覺得男主角耳朵完完全全把十九世紀末的中國人那種深入骨髓的奴性錶現瞭齣來。找蜘蛛經血竹葉青等藥引子迎閤老爺病態的嗜好,忠心耿耿,深得信任,又認定自己是曹傢的一條狗,實力證明舔狗舔到最後應有盡有,直到最後離開還是拼瞭命守護二少爺的全屍。 如果不是強...
評分從最近熱播的<中國往事>找到的這本書,網上找不到下載的,於是網購瞭書,等瞭足足一周纔到 因為從電視中隱隱覺得詭異,但又覺得情節安排常有脫軌或者不閤理的地方,當然演員也是一麵 文字是陰暗的,陰暗的隻讓我想到蘇童的<米>,而電視劇完全錶現不齣那種人心陰暗的層次 是用耳...
評分看完整本書吧,覺得男主角耳朵完完全全把十九世紀末的中國人那種深入骨髓的奴性錶現瞭齣來。找蜘蛛經血竹葉青等藥引子迎閤老爺病態的嗜好,忠心耿耿,深得信任,又認定自己是曹傢的一條狗,實力證明舔狗舔到最後應有盡有,直到最後離開還是拼瞭命守護二少爺的全屍。 如果不是強...
評分他的身份,注定瞭一生卑微。曹府的奴纔,縱然能耐有如孫猴子,也是難逃如來佛祖的五指山吧。那佛祖,即大宅門兒裏麵韆古不變的主僕尊卑,跨不過去的一道坎兒,仿佛永遠也變不成通途的天塹。 封建製度下的等級關係,堅硬頑強似被海浪衝擊的岩石,哪怕落敗瞭,主子仍舊是主子,而...
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