珍妮特•温特森(Jeanette Winterson)
Sexing the Cherry 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/Shirleysays 我总以为温特森手上提着一只隐形水果篮子。因为,她一会儿拿出一只橘子,一会儿扔出一个苹果,最后掏出一把樱桃。你不知道篮子里还有多少种水果,只要她的思绪不干涸,只要她的语汇不枯竭,我们就会有拥有一处水果园的遐想,里面种满神秘的果树,就像温特森的...
评分第一个公主的故事似乎看过类似情节的童话剧。不知温特森是不是在某个原有童话故事上改编的。 温特森的故事很多快速的剪接和拼贴,犹如猿人泰山在原始森林从一棵树荡到另一棵树。如果我掌握了那个技巧,我就能随她的文字快意之极。但有时断了线索,就感觉吧唧掉在地上,没有了...
评分珍妮特·温特森善于玩文字游戏,打破小说叙事规则,这是出了名的。 在读《给樱桃以性别》时,索性不把它当成小说。抛去故事情节,忘记去寻找主线。将那些散落在童话故事、圣经、神话、传说、历史和艺术名作中的只言片语收集起来,拼凑出在自己心中的模样。 读温特...
评分图书标签: 英文 女性 英国文学 的 珍妮特·温特森 外文 Fiction
Evoking modern physics and antique metaphysics, Winterson's ambitiously eccentric narrative challenges her readers to rupture the boundaries of conventional perceptions and linear experience of time. Her narrative voices, alternating between a Rabelaisian giantess and her foundling son, collapse at times into one another and the characters plunge vertiginously through time and space. On the one hand reworking fairy tales, and on the other evoking the filth, squalor and exuberant bawdiness of 17th-century England in the throes of civil war, Winterson ( The Passion ) eventually locates her characters in present-day London. Graced with striking similes and poetic cadences, the author's prose is clean and strong, and the disjunctive elements of her narrative are integrated elegantly. But the novel's freakish characters and flights of surreal fancy are insufficient to redeem its overwrought artifice. The work is further limited by its stridently dogmatic feminism, which, contemptuously belittling all men as arrogantly stupid bullies who are vastly women's inferiors in maturity and moral fiber, vitiates its ostensible intent to transcend the narrowness of human perception.
二刷完毕,温特森最初的三本书都是在对养母和过去告别,“即便是最坚固事物与最真事实,最爱与最深相知,都不过是墙上手影。” 单独这本来看,卡尔维诺的影响非常大,很多地方借境《看不见的城市》,还有卡氏关于轻与重的理念。
评分twelve dancing princesses who lived happily ever after, but not with their husbands.
评分二刷完毕,温特森最初的三本书都是在对养母和过去告别,“即便是最坚固事物与最真事实,最爱与最深相知,都不过是墙上手影。” 单独这本来看,卡尔维诺的影响非常大,很多地方借境《看不见的城市》,还有卡氏关于轻与重的理念。
Sexing the Cherry 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书