Since the 1950s, writing about popular music has become a staple of popular culture. "Rolling Stone", "Vibe", and "The Source" as well as music columns in major newspapers target consumers who take their music seriously. Rapidly proliferating fanzines, websites, and internet discussion groups enable virtually anyone to engage in popular music criticism. Until now, however, no one has tackled popular music criticism as a genre of journalism with a particular history and evolution. "Pop Music and the Press" looks at the major publications and journalists who have shaped this criticism, influencing the public's ideas about the music's significance and quality. The contributors to the volume include academics and journalists; several wear both hats, and some are musicians as well. Their essays illuminate the complex relationships of the music industry, print media, critical practice, and rock culture. (And they repeatedly dispel the notion that being a journalist is the next best thing to being a rock star.) Author note: Steve Jones is Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Among his books are "CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community" (editor) and "Rock Formation: Popular Music, Technology, and Mass Communication".
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圖書標籤: 音樂 樂評 宣傳 媒體
評分#音樂001# 框架性闡述瞭樂評(Critism)在1950s産生的本意是為瞭通過文字分析社會文化、生活方式和新時代潮流來幫助戰後年輕一代渡過時代的睏境。在發展初期的樂評是小眾群體,且高度白化,極少提及黑人與女性藝術傢。樂評人與地下齣版社以及發燒友編寫的雜誌之間相互接觸後,從小眾群體逐漸走嚮大眾。書中提到:樂評並不是“垂直”進入音樂産業的,在某種程度上,樂評是跟大眾消費者意見相抗衡的存在。對樂評人來說,絕大多數都要求“高度專業性”的自律,他們會思考如何應對自身聽歌的疲憊感和“散發文字魅力”之間的平衡問題,防止自己在聽完專輯之後立刻在短短幾分鍾之內寫下25厘米長的問題敷衍瞭事。越是行業地位高的樂評人(Lenster和Robert)越會警惕造神的陷阱,他們要做隻是將自己的審美洞察交付於音樂行業。
評分#音樂001# 框架性闡述瞭樂評(Critism)在1950s産生的本意是為瞭通過文字分析社會文化、生活方式和新時代潮流來幫助戰後年輕一代渡過時代的睏境。在發展初期的樂評是小眾群體,且高度白化,極少提及黑人與女性藝術傢。樂評人與地下齣版社以及發燒友編寫的雜誌之間相互接觸後,從小眾群體逐漸走嚮大眾。書中提到:樂評並不是“垂直”進入音樂産業的,在某種程度上,樂評是跟大眾消費者意見相抗衡的存在。對樂評人來說,絕大多數都要求“高度專業性”的自律,他們會思考如何應對自身聽歌的疲憊感和“散發文字魅力”之間的平衡問題,防止自己在聽完專輯之後立刻在短短幾分鍾之內寫下25厘米長的問題敷衍瞭事。越是行業地位高的樂評人(Lenster和Robert)越會警惕造神的陷阱,他們要做隻是將自己的審美洞察交付於音樂行業。
Pop Music and the Press (Sound Matters) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載