The Tale of Genji 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
人生如行梦浮桥,颤颤巍巍恐失足 她是宇治十帖的女三号,八亲王的私生女,从小在乡下长大的内向女性。宇治十帖的女主人公们,大多平凡无奇,即使是宇治的大君和中君,虽然描写的风华绝代,但是只要一对比,论相貌她们必然不如紫之上,论才情不如六条御息所,论气质...
评分摘自《南方周末》 作者:李 雾 本人自认对日本文学多少知道一点。从川端康成的《古都》、《雪国》到公部安房的《沙女》,从三岛由纪夫的《金阁寺》、《潮骚》到村上春树《挪威的森林》,也算读过几部日本小说。不过,也要到不久前读了《纽约时报》上的一篇游记之后,才...
评分趁1000年周年的东风,国内也跟着狠出了几套各种各样的源氏物语。我觉得非常遗憾,这又是一本不推荐大家买的书。上一本是http://www.douban.com/review/1563234/(不过这本是田边圣子女士的改写,其实不可通比,在此道歉) 可喜可贺的是这次作者终于是紫式...
评分说起来,源氏是非常舒适的枕边书.但也只能是枕边书.夜深人静时候闲闲看上一章.若是大白日里一章章通读下来,只怕好多人都会被那些琐碎重复的描写闷死的. 我这些天在想物语里那些母女两代承恩的故事.夕颜和玉鬘,六条和秋好.都是非常有意思的对比. 夕颜出场时已是一女之母,但却让...
评分图书标签: 英文 艳情史感 waley arthur
Centuries before Shakespeare, Murasaki Shikibu's "The Tale of Genji" was already acknowledged as a classic of Japanese literature. Over the past century, this book has gained worldwide acceptance as not only the world's first novel, but as one of the greatest works of literature of all time. The hero of the tale, Prince Genji, is a shining example of the Heian-era ideal man--accomplished in poetry, dance, music, painting, and, not least of all to the novel's many plots, romance. "The Tale of Genji" and the characters and world it depicts have influenced Japanese culture to its very core. This celebrated translation by Arthur Waley gives Western readers a very genuine feel for the tone of this beloved classic. This edition contains the complete Waley translation of all six books of "The Tale of Genji" and also contains a new foreword by Dennis Washburn with key insights into both the book and the importance of this translation for modern readers.
The Tale of Genji 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书